8 of the Worst Countries For Black People to Travel


Jan 17, 2013
The Comfort Zone

Koreans have never been dominated by white people :wtf:

and they don't mimic anyone. they have xenophobia because they're a hermit society. in Busan white men are banned from going into bars and clubs. mostly because soldiers have done stupid shyt after getting wasted.

Which reminds me. I'm surprised they haven't shut down the base in Okinawa, Japan yet. Them white soldiers STAY doin' stupid shyt :snoop:

Grand Conde

Feb 11, 2013

Koreans have never been dominated by white people :wtf:

and they don't mimic anyone. they have xenophobia because they're a hermit society. in Busan white men are banned from going into bars and clubs. mostly because soldiers have done stupid shyt after getting wasted.

Pretty much. South Korea is a highly educated society...that has a long history of insular-ism and racialist thought towards other Asians. The idea that Koreans (or Japanese) learned this stuff from white people is pretty funny. Various different Asian societies look down upon each other for various retarded reasons, and have done so for centuries.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
first of all let me set some sh1t straight.... being a tourist vs living in a foreign country for a black person or white person are completely different experiences.

blacks in a foreign land as tourist would have it nice everywhere really. you stand out cause most likely you got the money and ppl respect money plus black ppl ain't p*ssy so a p*ssy ass foreigner would think twice before doing something stupid unlike being a cac who are considered weak and naive.

now living in those foreign countries would be a completely different experience and blacks would really get sh1t on and experience real racism.

when ppl tell me about all the places they've travelled around the world it really doesn't mean anything unless you've been part of that society and culture...

racism against black ppl worldwide is real.
so we jus gon skip over this post..


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012

Koreans have never been dominated by white people :wtf:

and they don't mimic anyone. they have xenophobia because they're a hermit society. in Busan white men are banned from going into bars and clubs. mostly because soldiers have done stupid shyt after getting wasted.

You don't think they're aware of the white man's impact on the world? Why do you see Koreans getting eye surgeries and wanting to keep their skin light? Why do you see them with umbrellas when it's sunny out? They see their impact, they want to see themselves in the same vain, and they treat others who white people see with contempt with contempt as well.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
You don't think they're aware of the white man's impact on the world? Why do you see Koreans getting eye surgeries and wanting to keep their skin light? Why do you see them with umbrellas when it's sunny out? They see their impact, they want to see themselves in the same vain, and they treat others who white people see with contempt with contempt as well.
nikka asians have naturally lighter skin then white people :pachaha:

They been avoiding the sun since before they even knew who white people were :heh: royals were lighter because they were confined within their castles avoiding assassination.

put the western articles down. you giving white folks waaaaay too much credit. westerners got the majority of their shyt from ASIA and Africa, whites started off as tan people (greeks, slavics, romans aka the civilizations)

as for the eye surgery, its because your average asian has one crease. those that have no crease are seen as symmetrically unaesthetic. theyre not getting the surgery to look western, that's western media bullshyt. if you ever read the quotes it says "to make my eyes bigger" and these fukk nikkas in western media add "too look western" but if you go to asia and ask, they look at you like :childplease: do my eyes look western to you? and the answer is no, you can still tell the person is asian (eyes) even with the surgery. :heh: the surgery is to get rid of the super fold which is not an average trait for asians. it's like being super dark skin....that's not what the majority of black people are. majority of black people on average are brown, not dinka black. those that are dinka black might lighten to be 'apart' and sync back with the majority of their own population (not stand out so to speak), but not to be 'white'. the same theory applies to asians.
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Jul 17, 2013
so we jus gon skip over this post..
as much as france is a multi cultural nation, when oprah hit the streets as a regular person they denied her entry in a high end store. she had to flex she was oprah to be let in the store.

for a black person to have it nice you have to give off that money swag. basically you're being taken for your money.

as a tourist everything is all good. once that money dries up in all nations black or colored ppl are at the bottom. we all know spain and italy are especially harsh on black ppl. you see their sports audience doing all types of stupid sh1t on black million dollar athletes.
last year serena refused to go to some tennis event in england cause of the way they treated her.

a white person would never be denied entry or given poor service in a black establishment anywhere in the world.

white person being robbed or fear of being robbed cause one is black doesn't doesn't mean anything to me.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
as much as france is a multi cultural nation, when oprah hit the streets as a regular person they denied her entry in a high end store. she had to flex she was oprah to be let in the store.

for a black person to have it nice you have to give off that money swag. basically you're being taken for your money.
um, that's ultimately why white people get treated well. folks assume they have money. take away the money and....well....you're nothing. white people that travel...have money. just like black people that travel. traveling is not something broke people do. I don't know any rednecks that are hitting up france on vacation. you've basically just debunked your own claims. "western tourists are treated well because they are perceived as having money" correct!!!!!!!
the difference is...as a darkskin person, you can take all your jewelry off, tuck your chain, put on flip flops and blend in. :youngsabo:

as a tourist everything is all good. once that money dries up in all nations black or colored ppl are at the bottom. we all know spain and italy are especially harsh on black ppl. you see their sports audience doing all types of stupid sh1t on black million dollar athletes.
last year serena refused to go to some tennis event in england cause of the way they treated her.
right and wrong. if you're african, correct...mostly due to immigration and historical issues, but black americans? hardly ever. there is a reason hoards of black people from WWI and WWII fled to France (where they introduced jazz/see anita baker) because europeans were much more respectful. btw, you stated all nations? um, the majority of nations are black/brown, so I dont know wtf you're talking about. white nations make up the world now? did you forget who the MINORITY were? how the hell are we at the bottom in our own countries? :heh:

[a white person would never be denied entry or given poor service in a black establishment anywhere in the world.
the only place I can think of where we'd get denied entry is america...and maybe russia. white people are denied entry all throughout asia and the middle east, thats over 3 billion people, that's half the planet. and yet you refuse to say 'massa' is at the bottom...why? true tho, in africa they wouldn't be denied, they'd be charged triple, we're not cold blooded people to deny someone food or service, but they are poor, and so they will milk them.
white person being robbed or fear of being robbed cause one is black doesn't doesn't mean anything to me.

of course it doesnt, but let russians rob black people and watch you start to talk about "nikkas aint shyt in russia" :heh:


Jul 17, 2013
how the hell are we at the bottom in our own countries? :heh:
african ppl are at the bottom of african countries. indians/asians and europeans own africa. the euros set themselves up after giving africa independence. all that commonwealth sh1t. france, britian etc. the west still runs africa. the indians come in btwn europeans and africans in social class.

despite the bullsh1t, arabs, asian and africans still love europeans. even though they're fuqqed by their system..

they can do all the little things to caucasians but anything happen to a white person and the western media and govts will be all over that country. white ppl don't fuq around.
if your black ass gets kilt over there in asia no one will give a fuq.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
african ppl are at the bottom of african countries. indians/asians and europeans own africa. the euros set themselves up after giving africa independence. all that commonwealth sh1t. france, britian etc. the west still runs africa. the indians come in btwn europeans and africans in social class.

despite the bullsh1t, arabs, asian and africans still love europeans. even though they're fuqqed by their system..

they can do all the little things to caucasians but anything happen to a white person and the western media and govts will be all over that country. white ppl don't fuq around.
nikka didn't nothing happen to that white broad that got her neck slashed in Rio? wtf are you talking about? she came back to the hotel bloody as hell. and white people are at the top in africa? oh yea? ask a white person if they'd go to Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan or Mali without security and then ask them why not. :heh:

you act like nikkas arent getting kidnapped worldwide, do I need to pull up articles? nikkas are even getting snatched in mexico and that's just down the street :heh:

if your black ass gets kilt over there in asia no one will give a fuq.
nikka, you have no idea what you're talking about. the U.S govt plays NO GAMES with its citizens of any color. The homegirl got locked up for some bullshyt and consulate reps were there in 24 hours. now if it were mexico and she got snatched up, well, that was a risk she took, wtf can the U.S govt do about that? you must not got the memo of that tourist group that got caught up in Uganda a cpl years ago....or what would happen to a white person that walks around east Pakistan. Their are travel advisories for a reason.......you're practically stating these nikkas walk the planet like gods :rosslol:

I usually don't accuse nikkas of being white....but I'mma go ahead and assume you are. No way a black person holds whites in such high regards even outside their country and in your own. no way. no one that has been abroad would say this sorta bullshyt but a suburban cac.
see that's why yall cacs be getting bottled in the clubs, snatched off the street, drugged by trannies, and robbed at check points. keep playin around here, the world ain't nice and the govt aint sending F16s for you. :rosslol1:
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May 7, 2012
first of all let me set some sh1t straight.... being a tourist vs living in a foreign country for a black person or white person are completely different experiences.

blacks in a foreign land as tourist would have it nice everywhere really. you stand out cause most likely you got the money and ppl respect money plus black ppl ain't p*ssy so a p*ssy ass foreigner would think twice before doing something stupid unlike being a cac who are considered weak and naive.

now living in those foreign countries would be a completely different experience and blacks would really get sh1t on and experience real racism.

when ppl tell me about all the places they've travelled around the world it really doesn't mean anything unless you've been part of that society and culture...

racism against black ppl worldwide is real.
This I would agree with. But it's the same everywhere we are not the dominant and part of the successful minority.

In terms of holidays - my homegirl and her friends did get propositioned by Spanish/Italian men as if they where prostitutes.


Jul 17, 2013
i'm just telling you the way things are. from my point of view. i've also traveled and been to europe and africa.
of course there are countries white ppl would just be stupid to visit like somalia.
i'm not white.
like i said white ppl being bottled in clubs, robbed at check points doesn't mean anything. happens to n1ggaz everyday in black neighborhoods. when the rubber meets the road a caucasian enjoys privilege a black person never experiences. that's just the reality of things. sure i can dress thuggish and blend in with the thugs and a white person would probably get robbed or get his ass beat in certain places..