8 of the Worst Countries For Black People to Travel

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012

“U.S. citizens most at risk are those of African, Asian, Hispanic or Middle Eastern descent in Athens and other major cities,” cautions the embassy in a statement first posted on its website last November.

Spanish leaders to take greater steps toward eliminating racist and discriminatory practices against Africans and other immigrants in the country.


That movies make me want to go to Europe. I knew Russia is racist as fukk but Greece and Spain Too?
I don't know how you got that from these lines. The only thing it's stating is to be cautious if you are black, asian, middle eastern or even hispanic, in Athens. Probably some neo-nazi group claims a block or 2. like a gang. Dunno what the has to do with your and your trip. Are you really that afraid of some cacs my nikka? haha I'd slap the shyt out of someone. You know where you come from? and you afraid of some greeks my nikka? I don't think they even reach 5'9 in height. :heh:

Spain - They have a problem with african immigrants, not so much americans. Muslim immigrants have problems in america and it hasn't stopped them from coming.

I'm beginning to believe black people are more lip then service, cause man, the way nikkas be acting scared is beyond belief. Tryin to get nikkas to travel is like tryin to get them to swim in the ocean. :heh:


Nov 12, 2013
blonde haired women get it the worst imo. they're not afraid to approach them since they're women. Felt sorry for my russian homegirl, they were touching her hair off top.

but yea. I get stares every single day every where I go. I knew what I was getting into tho. I mean...its china....Im black. I be having little teenage broads following me around the mall and shyt. Most days I'm aite, but every so often if Im in a bad mood I flip out like Kanye West on paps. :heh:

I'm sure a chinese man gets the same shyt when he goes to africa. not every where in the world is diverse like the west. :yeshrug:



half man half bearpig
May 14, 2012
I don't know how you got that from these lines. The only thing it's stating is to be cautious if you are black, asian, middle eastern or even hispanic, in Athens. Probably some neo-nazi group claims a block or 2. like a gang. Dunno what the has to do with your and your trip. Are you really that afraid of some cacs my nikka? haha I'd slap the shyt out of someone. You know where you come from? and you afraid of some greeks my nikka? I don't think they even reach 5'9 in height. :heh:

Spain - They have a problem with african immigrants, not so much americans. Muslim immigrants have problems in america and it hasn't stopped them from coming.

I'm beginning to believe black people are more lip then service, cause man, the way nikkas be acting scared is beyond belief. Tryin to get nikkas to travel is like tryin to get them to swim in the ocean. :heh:

I dont about those crazy Russians.

I'd let you be my guess

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I'm glad you said that early. My brother has traveled to several of those countries and he was well received in all of them. I have heard some wild shyt about Russia tho, I wouldn't dare get caught over there.
Yea Russia is no joke. It's no joke for Turks, Germans, black and white americans, Georgians, I don't think it's safe for Ukranians now either.

Russians, unlike other people, are real aggressive and WILL get in your face. They are not afraid to throw them thangs and resort to violence. Chinese, Koreans, etc, even if they did have a problem, they aint gon do shyt, they don't even have guns in their country.....but Russians? I'd take a step back like hmmm :patrice:

I''m not scared tho, I still wanna go. and I will eventually. I just need more people. I only know like 2 broads there and me walking around with 2 russian chicks is just asking for trouble. If I had like a group of russian males I could chill with I would go.


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012
I'm in South Korea.......... sorry but, Koreans shift away from Americans because they're a bit intimidated by English speaking people (for whatever reason, I still haven't figured that out) white or black. So far, I've had ZERO problems and VERY few stares, they honestly don't care :ld:

Maybe things are different in the countryside, or maybe another area 2-4 hours away, but the only weird thing that has happened is a group of Korean males (teens I believe, I'm not able to distinguish ages yet) saw me, greeted me, bowed and shook my hand and told me I was handsome :merchant:

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I'm in South Korea.......... sorry but, Koreans shift away from Americans because they're a bit intimidated by English speaking people (for whatever reason, I still haven't figured that out) white or black. So far, I've had ZERO problems and VERY few stares, they honestly don't care :ld:

Maybe things are different in the countryside, or maybe another area 2-4 hours away, but the only weird thing that has happened is a group of Korean males (teens I believe, I'm not able to distinguish ages yet) saw me, greeted me, bowed and shook my hand and told me I was handsome :merchant:
man but that's what I love about Koreans tho. They dont be staring, they know it's rude, they mind their business. The chinese be like :shaq:

:snoop: some days I just can't take it.


Jul 17, 2013
first of all let me set some sh1t straight.... being a tourist vs living in a foreign country for a black person or white person are completely different experiences.

blacks in a foreign land as tourist would have it nice everywhere really. you stand out cause most likely you got the money and ppl respect money plus black ppl ain't p*ssy so a p*ssy ass foreigner would think twice before doing something stupid unlike being a cac who are considered weak and naive.

now living in those foreign countries would be a completely different experience and blacks would really get sh1t on and experience real racism.

when ppl tell me about all the places they've travelled around the world it really doesn't mean anything unless you've been part of that society and culture...

racism against black ppl worldwide is real.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012


When traveling to Germany it is important to know that the country’s constitution prohibits racial discrimination in general, but there is basically no case law that specifically deals with it, according to Hendrik Cremer, who has worked with the German Institute for Human Rights since 2007. “Those who want to take action against racist remarks are only able to refer to Section 130 of the Penal Code, which refers to sedition.” The legal hurdles, therefore, are high.

However, racial insults may not be what Black travelers (Africans, Americans, Caribbean people, etc.) visiting Germany should be most concerned with. Former government spokesman Uwe-Karsten Heye said in a 2006 radio interview that dark-skinned visitors to Germany should consider avoiding the eastern part of the country where racism runs high.

“There are small and medium-sized towns in Brandenburg, as well as elsewhere, which I would advise a visitor of another skin color to avoid going to,” said Heye. They “might not make it out alive” if they dared set foot in certain towns, he warned.

Africans and other dark-skinned people in Berlin, Wisner and other cities know certain areas in the eastern part of Berlin, such as Marzahn and Hellersdorf, are “no-go” areas where they are certain to be attacked or killed. It is also reported that German police routinely ignore these racist attacks and Germans, in general, are in denial about the depth of racism in their society.


Black visitors will also have to be extra careful when they venture outside of Moscow into the rest of Russia. In a chilling warning, the Russia expert of New Republic, Julie Ioffe, said, “There’s quite a bit of violence against people considered to be Black” in Russia, raising new fears about the safety of Olympic athletes, visitors and media attending the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Ioffe warned that nowhere in Russia is safe for a person of color to visit, outside of Moscow’s city center.

During an “Ask Me Anything” discussion on the social media site Reddit, Ioffe was asked by a Black college student whether it is safe for an African-American to study in Russia.

Here’s her answer:

“Hmmmm, that’s a tough one. I think that, for the most part, you’d be okay — if you consider people glaring at you and cracking racist jokes okay. (Russians are, er, not the most tolerant bunch.) There’s quite a bit of violence against people considered to be black, which includes, in the Russian mind, people from Central Asia and the Caucasus. My advice is go, but stick to the city center and try to go to a bigger city like Moscow. (St. Pete is crawling with skinheads.) Be extra, extra careful and make sure the American Embassy knows you’re there. They have a special unit to deal with threats to American citizens, so you should report anything that happens immediately.”


Human rights groups report that the number of racially motivated attacks have increased in Greece, as did the severity of the violence involved. Kostis Papaioannou, head of the National Commission for Human Rights, says the 2012 figures “shows some very interesting and very worrying tendencies regarding racist violence in Greece. We have both an increase in the numbers of attacks but also – which is really worrying too – we have an escalation of the tension of this violence.” The incidents have spiraled as Greece’s economy has worsened over the past few years.

The vast majority of attacks occurred in Athens, mainly in inner-city neighborhoods. Immigrants are often set upon by groups of men wielding metal bars, chains, brass knuckles, broken bottles, knives and wooden clubs. The victims suffer from broken bones, damage to sight and hearing and extensive bruising, reports the Racist Violence Recording Network, composed of 30 aid and human rights groups.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Greece has warned Americans traveling to Greece to be wary of “a rise in unprovoked harassment and violent attacks against persons who, because of their complexion, are perceived as foreign migrants.”

“U.S. citizens most at risk are those of African, Asian, Hispanic or Middle Eastern descent in Athens and other major cities,” cautions the embassy in a statement first posted on its website last November.


Spain has a long-standing reputation for virulent racism, and many tourists of African descent complain of their poor reception by Spanish citizens. The nation was singled out by United Nations Special Rapporteur on racism, Mutuma Ruteere, who called on Spanish leaders to take greater steps toward eliminating racist and discriminatory practices against Africans and other immigrants in the country.

After the unjustified arrest of two African-American government employees in Barcelona in 2009, the U.S. State Department issued a warning that “racist prejudices” could lead to the arrest of African-Americans who visit Spain. The notice was removed two days before first lady Michele Obama visited the country, but many Black tourists say they experience racism during visits to Spain.


The world is not yet colorblind, and Italy is no exception. Anyone not noticeably of European descent will likely be looked down upon by Italians. Oftentimes a darker-skinned tourist will only have to deal with imposing stares, however; some Black women report a rather high incidence of gawking that leads to inquiries for prostitution.

While physical violence is not commonly practiced against Black tourists in Italy, biased ill-treatment of Black visitors can run rampant. A dark-skinned traveler may be questioned longer at border crossings and on trains, and his baggage may be rifled through by officials more often than those of white travelers. Sometimes hotels may tell Black tourists they are full for the night, and then give a room to the next white person who walks through the door. A Black traveler may also be a more frequent victim of ripoffs and scams, as is true for all foreigners.


Many people of color who have lived in Thailand can attest to the problematic racial attitudes commonplace in the country. Thais have an aversion to dark skin in general, and are prejudiced against people of African descent or anyone who has a darker skin tone, even among themselves. Black people frequently face discrimination in the workplace and are targeted for scrutiny from police. According to some travelers, it is legal there to discriminate on the basis of skin color or ethnicity.

In 2010, while visiting Thailand for a series of music performances, Ribkat, a well-known member of the multi-platinum selling group Fort Minor, and Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park were notified by a hotel manager that they did not allow Blacks or Indians at their hotel. Ribkat and Shinoda, who are both African-Americans, were told they should respect the racist policy and leave. The white band members were told they could stay. The policy to exclude Blacks and other foreigners can also be seen implemented by some local businesses.

A person of African descent traveling to China should not be surprised if they are repeatedly stared at or even swarmed by crowds of curious Chinese who will treat them as a spectacle by taking pictures, touching their hair, rubbing their skin, and asking questions that reflect their ignorance and lack of interaction with Black people.

Racism against Blacks may be the strongest form of prejudice in China. Chinese racism is linked to ignorance, class divisions, ethnocentrism and colorism that exists within Chinese society. Many people in China look down upon other Chinese of darker skin, and believe the whiter skin has more beauty.

In China, Black people are viewed through stereotypes, and most Chinese assume Blacks are poor, uneducated, violent, play basketball, are barbaric and wild, and even eat each other. The most common Chinese slur used against Black people means “black ghost.”

South Korea

Racist mockery of Black people is very common in the public sphere in South Korea. When a Black person turns on the television in Korea, they can expect to experience Koreans using blackface and other stereotypical depictions to mock African people, the Diaspora, and Black culture in general.

Tourists can also anticipate being mistreated because of skin color or ethnicity. Foreigners say although many Koreans are polite and respectful, it’s not unusual to experience an angry, public xenophobic outburst from some of Korea’s citizens and taxi drivers, who they say overlook them in favor of picking up Koreans. A number of visitors have also reported locals shifting uneasily away from them on public transportation.

Some Koreans and visitors explain the racism against Black people as stemming from a fear of the unknown, since the country has historically been one of the most ethnically homogeneous nations in the world. Some Koreans will go their entire lives and never see a Black person. Others say Koreans, over time, have adopted whites’ attitudes towards Blacks.

This is the most pertinent piece of information in this entire post. The dominated groups tend to mimic the behavior of the dominant group because they want to feel dominant themselves. They'll do that even if the behavior they mimic is evil and hateful.


Jan 17, 2013
The Comfort Zone
Darkskin female here. I've been to Germany NUMEROUS times and only dealt with one sucka ass coward who made a joke that I couldn't understand. No other issues. (Frankfurt, Ramstein, Leipzig...a little less friendly in Munich and Nuremberg I'll admit I think they're dikks though).

South Korea was cool, no problems. (ETA: Some were a little shocked, but not in a :scust: way...more like fascinated).

I had the time of my fukkin life in Thailand :blessed: they aren't used to black females though, and neither are the Russian tourists who frequent there. People were begging me to take pics with them left and right like I was a unicorn :heh:

Italy was ok...Sicily :scusthov: never again.

I said all that to say...mostly bullshyt article.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
This is the most pertinent piece of information in this entire post. The dominated groups tend to mimic the behavior of the dominant group because they want to feel dominant themselves. They'll do that even if the behavior they mimic is evil and hateful.

Koreans have never been dominated by white people :wtf:

and they don't mimic anyone. they have xenophobia because they're a hermit society. in Busan white men are banned from going into bars and clubs. mostly because soldiers have done stupid shyt after getting wasted.


Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
to be honest. from my observation.....being a white tourist is by far the most riskiest. White people are completely hated, and they still travel. You think a white person can just walk around the slums of Colombia like it's all good? slums of Africa? dance around cities in the middle east? Nagasaki where they dropped Atom bombs? Townships in south africa? Do you know how much damage they've done in the world? People assume they're rich so do you know what happens when they roam the street away from the tour guides? nikka you must not know. I've been fortunate enough to waltz through a favela no problems, go to africa, no problems, be up in china, no problems. Meanwhile in the same favela some white lady got her purse snatched, sliced in the neck, that same african country ol white dude got robbed at a check point then they milked ol boy for every dollar he had to pay off bribes, and then in china them nikkas stay catching kung pow fades because they always walking around like they own the place with fly chinese women around their arms talking that good good. Every weekend some white boy getting bottled and molly whopped at the club....and yet.....they still travel like they own shyt and never say anything about 'they hate us', them nikkas could give a flying fukk who hates them, they gonna do whatever the fukk they want, and snatch yo bytch in the process.

I'm black, my people ain't done nothing wrong to anyone on this planet. My skin tone is universal I'm not the minority I'm the original, my closest ancestors migrated the entire planet and made these people, aint nobody touching me, and aint no ignorant person gonna keep me from stomping around nikkas turfs.
Felt like I read a civil rights speech