8 Interesting Facts That May Give You a Whole New Outlook on Robert Mugabe


Aug 17, 2013
That bougie c00n proved my point with his post, just as I said in the OP, the west has painted Mugabe in such a disgusting way just enough for brainwashed c00ns not to be able to see through the BS. Whites hate Mugabe because he was anti neo c00nialism and for his people. He wants whites out of the land, which any African should agree with there and abroad.......


The Coli Royal Rumble Champion 2019
Jan 4, 2015
Firstly, he constantly won through fear tactics and election fraud, and that's anything but "democratic". For example, in the early 2000 elections Mugabe placed extra polling stations in rural areas where he would win support knowing that it was against the rules and would undermine his opposition.

Zimbabwe use to be one of the most advanced economic country and housed the most educated in Africa. And now it's garbage b/c of his failed economic policies (i.e. failed land reforms that hindered agricultural production, which in turn severely hurt their economy), massive unemployment, literacy for men and women is extremely low, low life expectancy, high infant mortality rate, high HIV, etc. Instead of stepping down he’s trying to cling onto power like the dictator he is.

Secondly, I was not talking about the European colonizers that ruled Zimbabwe, I was specifically talking about Mugabe. Mugabe was a freedom fighter, and was good at mobilizing his people, and exiling Whites out of ZImbabewe. That I never denied or took away from him. However, what is he now? He’s a product of colonialism; corruption and power obsession. Funnily enough, Mugabe is European educated, and most of African dictators are. Hmm I wonder if there’s any connection there? Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Nice way to shove down words into my mouth for daps and reps. You guys are only calling him a “great leader” because he exiled Whites, something you delusional Coli militants have orgasms to. Zimbabwe went from the most thriving country to a total wasteland with high inflation, low unemployment, poverty, etc.

If he’s such a great leader and a great man, why don’t you pack your bags and head over there? I showed my Zimbabwean friend this thread at work and he had a good laugh.



Close thread.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
You're a troll breh and an obvious one......:rudy:

Do more research before opening your mouth. You simply a brainwashed c00n, even tho you probably not even black........

He is not going to do that. He is just going to go and talk to his friend from Zimbabwe and that will be his source. His whole argument was set up to show how great colonialism was for the people of Zimbabwe, which he then used to bring up his "Mugabe ruined everything" retort. He has convinced himself that Mugabe has crashed the economy of Zimbabwe; but apparently the guy is unable or unwilling to connect the economic sanctions placed on Zimbabwe with the failure of the economy.

The same crap happened in Cuba. Look at the sanctions against Cuba and look at the economic failure that ensued.

Look at Haiti. The USA and its allies placed economic sanctions on the Haiti back in the 1990's, which caused the country to suffer economically.

Look at Angola. The USA and it's allies imposed economic sanctions and it stifled the Angolan economy.

Hell the USA is constantly threatening sanctions against Nigeria; and the IMF is threatening to sanction Ghana. However, for some reason no one ever looks at the sanctions as the reason for why things are the way that the are; the answer for c00ns is always that life was better under the thieving colonizers.


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
He is not going to do that. He is just going to go and talk to his friend from Zimbabwe and that will be his source. His whole argument was set up to show how great colonialism was for the people of Zimbabwe, which he then used to bring up his "Mugabe ruined everything" retort. He has convinced himself that Mugabe has crashed the economy of Zimbabwe; but apparently the guy is unable or unwilling to connect the economic sanctions placed on Zimbabwe with the failure of the economy.

The same crap happened in Cuba. Look at the sanctions against Cuba and look at the economic failure that ensued.

Look at Haiti. The USA and its allies placed economic sanctions on the Haiti back in the 1990's, which caused the country to suffer economically.

Look at Angola. The USA and it's allies imposed economic sanctions and it stifled the Angolan economy.

Hell the USA is constantly threatening sanctions against Nigeria; and the IMF is threatening to sanction Ghana. However, for some reason no one ever looks at the sanctions as the reason for why things are the way that the are; the answer for c00ns is always that life was better under the thieving colonizers.

Oh I know, I got the c00n on ignore anyhow, but see conversations such as these expose and bring out all the devils and c00ns, rather you have this conversation in real life or on the NET, you can see who is really a moronic brainwashed fool or just a plain devil when they respond.....

I've know all you stated in your post, once I read Walter Rodney's "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" and Eric Williams "Capitalism And Slavery"......all my points I've ever stated were solidified, but its worth it to watch c00ns slither on their master's ankles......its a good way to purge these idiots from amongst our people.....:francis:


All Star
Apr 11, 2015
So is Putin :mjlol:

As if America's hands are clean :mjlol:

George Washington was a democratically elected president

He just had to help murder millions of Native Americans first :mjlol: and bring in a few hundred thousand African slaves to bolster his fledgling economy. How you could ever think we're in the position to throw stones at anyone with our history is beyond me.


May 20, 2013
You guys missed out on another of Uncle Bobs' actions,IMO,the greatest. He led a posse of southern African nations under SADCC to save the DRC from the Anglo Zionist sponsored Tutsi invaders in 98. This is a long story but the Tutsi were meant to RULE AFRICA! Yes,you got that right!
After the DRC they were to take over the continent as Zionist frontmen. Fyi,when the Rwanda horror kicked off in 94 at least a battalion of Marines were in neighbouring Burundi while a whole CARRIER TASK FORCE was sitting off Mombasa on the Kenyan coast. Then prez Moi as well as Mobutu were supposed to die.
So when Uncle Bob rescued Congolese from mass murdering Tutsis you can bet the Cacs weren't overjoyed.
A t least 6mn have died in the East under Rwanda/Uganda control-what if they'd taken the whole country?
Remember also he's old and a product of his stern upbringing-look what he told Jamaicans in 2012:

"n the online article posted on Friday on a Zimbabwean radio station, Mugabe, who was speaking during a distinguished lecture at a university function, reportedly urged Zimbabweans never to follow in the footsteps of Jamaicans whose influence on the country is all too pervasive.
"In Jamaica, they have freedom to smoke (men are always drunk) and universities are full of women.

"The men want to sing and do not go to colleges (some are dreadlocked). Let us not go there," the African president was quoted as saying."

But then again,its a product of perception, cause this is what he knows about Jamaica thanks to the MSM.



Seriously,what kind of fcukery is this!!


All Star
Feb 9, 2013
Those facts i dont find interesting at all. I could write up a litany of Mugabe's faults but then again if you are to view him through the lens of racial relations I can see why people who are removed from Zimbabwe would perceive him. There are frustrated Rhodies and white SAns who view him as the devil incarnate and others who view him as a hero because he kicked the white man out. These are simplistic narratives at best and totally ignore the situation on the ground. Many people view leaders like Mugabe and Idi Amin through these race relations simplistic context. Both men probably killed more of their black countrymen than the foreigners they later messed with. When you see African leaders drape themselves in modern day pan Africanism it is usually after they have fallen out with the West. The love for cricket, an elitist sport in Southern Africa, is a glimpse into this mindset along with the fact that he was knighted by the British when they knew of Gukurahundi in Ssouthern Zimbabwe that led to the deaths of fellow Zimbabweans (numbers range from 2000 to 20 000). Idi Amin fought against the Mau Mau and was so eager in his viciousness towards them he got promotions up the ranks but some people view him as some sort of hero because he kicked out some Indians.

The article itself claims that agriculture has expanded while citing reduction in crop forecasts. Food production has suffered and Zimbabwe imports a lot of food from SA and Zambia. Mugabe's government is incompetent and corrupt and the old man has no energy to fight it because ,unlike the ANC to their credit, he built himself a personality cult type leadership in his party. The ministers could be the dumbest person alive but as long as they sing his praises they get a job. The author also wrongly asserts that he fought the Washington Consensus, unless he/she has a new definition of the term he does not know what he is talking about. Malaysia under Mahatir fought against it, the East Asian development model is an alternative to it but what happened in Zimbabwe is far from replicating those efforts. Zimbabwe adopted the SAPs of the Bretton Woods institutions in the early 90s and as we speak today the country is under an IMF staff monitoring programme. The structures supporting emerging black farmers are not there and they have to toil under difficult circumstances and I am sure the author of that piece does not know that Mugabe's government announced last week that it was going to tax black farmers to repay the white farmers who were on that land.
The sanctions did not help but then again the land reform started when the country was being given BoP support by the IMF. In spite of all those degrees Mugabe is a bad economic manager and is stubborn enough to not know his limitations and of which they are many at his advanced age.

Mugabe has built this anti-white rhetoric and throws out red meat every now and then but he has shown to be equally bigoted towards other black people. He has made statements about Jamaican men being lazy, Nigerians being corrupt, Zimbabweans of Malawian and Mozambican descent of having no totems and thus identity, and lately Kalangas being uneducated criminals. If you look up some of the businessman close to him like John Bredenkamp who is a large landowner and businessman you will see that sometimes the rhetoric does not match the actions. The Oppenheimers are still very large landowners in Zimbabwe for good measure.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Mugabe would have been one of those african chiefs who sold other blacks. fukk him

Wrong. Mugabe was a freedom fighter all over Africa during their drive for freedom. Mugabe fought in Ghana and in other African nations for the freedom of millions of black people.


Mugabe also said that Nelson Mandela was too soft on White people in South Africa.



All Star
Apr 11, 2015
Those facts i dont find interesting at all. I could write up a litany of Mugabe's faults but then again if you are to view him through the lens of racial relations I can see why people who are removed from Zimbabwe would perceive him. There are frustrated Rhodies and white SAns who view him as the devil incarnate and others who view him as a hero because he kicked the white man out. These are simplistic narratives at best and totally ignore the situation on the ground. Many people view leaders like Mugabe and Idi Amin through these race relations simplistic context. Both men probably killed more of their black countrymen than the foreigners they later messed with. When you see African leaders drape themselves in modern day pan Africanism it is usually after they have fallen out with the West. The love for cricket, an elitist sport in Southern Africa, is a glimpse into this mindset along with the fact that he was knighted by the British when they knew of Gukurahundi in Ssouthern Zimbabwe that led to the deaths of fellow Zimbabweans (numbers range from 2000 to 20 000). Idi Amin fought against the Mau Mau and was so eager in his viciousness towards them he got promotions up the ranks but some people view him as some sort of hero because he kicked out some Indians.

The article itself claims that agriculture has expanded while citing reduction in crop forecasts. Food production has suffered and Zimbabwe imports a lot of food from SA and Zambia. Mugabe's government is incompetent and corrupt and the old man has no energy to fight it because ,unlike the ANC to their credit, he built himself a personality cult type leadership in his party. The ministers could be the dumbest person alive but as long as they sing his praises they get a job. The author also wrongly asserts that he fought the Washington Consensus, unless he/she has a new definition of the term he does not know what he is talking about. Malaysia under Mahatir fought against it, the East Asian development model is an alternative to it but what happened in Zimbabwe is far from replicating those efforts. Zimbabwe adopted the SAPs of the Bretton Woods institutions in the early 90s and as we speak today the country is under an IMF staff monitoring programme. The structures supporting emerging black farmers are not there and they have to toil under difficult circumstances and I am sure the author of that piece does not know that Mugabe's government announced last week that it was going to tax black farmers to repay the white farmers who were on that land.
The sanctions did not help but then again the land reform started when the country was being given BoP support by the IMF. In spite of all those degrees Mugabe is a bad economic manager and is stubborn enough to not know his limitations and of which they are many at his advanced age.

Mugabe has built this anti-white rhetoric and throws out red meat every now and then but he has shown to be equally bigoted towards other black people. He has made statements about Jamaican men being lazy, Nigerians being corrupt, Zimbabweans of Malawian and Mozambican descent of having no totems and thus identity, and lately Kalangas being uneducated criminals. If you look up some of the businessman close to him like John Bredenkamp who is a large landowner and businessman you will see that sometimes the rhetoric does not match the actions. The Oppenheimers are still very large landowners in Zimbabwe for good measure.

How is that any different than Europeans nearly blowing up the world when they went to war with each other? Sharing the same skin color didn't stop whites from murdering and slaughtering millions. Why do you expect any different in Africa? Africa's about 300-500 years behind the Western world (not counting Nigeria & SA). You think Europe was a bastion of peace and civility back in the middle ages? Give Africa time to progress. They have to go through all the same growing pains Europe and Asia did.


All Star
Feb 9, 2013
How is that any different than Europeans nearly blowing up the world when they went to war with each other? Sharing the same skin color didn't stop whites from murdering and slaughtering millions. Why do you expect any different in Africa? Africa's about 300-500 years behind the Western world (not counting Nigeria & SA). You think Europe was a bastion of peace and civility back in the middle ages? Give Africa time to progress. They have to go through all the same growing pains Europe and Asia did.
Africa is not in the Middle Ages and I don't give a damn about how many Europeans slaughtered each other. How is Nigeria and SA any different, do you think there are an oasis or some island nations.They are made up of the same people as their neighboring countries. The Mfecane shaped some of the settlement patterns today in Southern Africa and that period is the last external force of identity and ethnic nation formation. Mugabe slaughtering Ndebeles because he wanted to kill ZAPU and form a one party state has nothing to do with what you are talking about.