8 Interesting Facts That May Give You a Whole New Outlook on Robert Mugabe


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
Crackas and a bunch of neo colonial puppet bougie c00ns have painted this man worse than Hitler in some instances, a usual tactic by the West and their puppet negroes.....


Robert Mugabe is famous for initiating the largest political process of land redistribution Africa has ever seen, by aggressively transferring land to the majority of native Zimbabweans – in nation and a people, who are now recognized as the bedrock upon which the Zimbabwean economy is starting to emerge. In retaliation, Zimbabwe and Robert Mugabe (the man and the person), had to endure the biggest economic, political, personal and travel sanctions any African leader has had to face ever.


Mugabe’s Land Reform Gave a Major Economic Boost to Agriculture

Mugabe’s land reform in Zimbabwe has been shrouded in controversy for years but some reports indicate that it actually had a positive impact on the country’s economy when it came to agriculture. A report by IB Times explained that the country’s “agriculture economy has changed dramatically. Production of wheat, coffee and tea has all declined, as has the export of beef…other crops, notably tobacco and cotton, have boomed, while small grain and edible bean production has also increased.”


He Was Heavily Influenced by Kwame Nkrumah

According to a report by the BBC, Robert Mugabe greatly admired Ghanian leader Kwame Nkrumah. Mugabe arrived in Ghana only a year after Nkrumah led the Gold Coast to independence in 1957, making it the first sub-Saharan country to escape colonial rule. The BBC report explains that Nkrumah’s leadership allowed Mugabe to have his own “political awakening” that influenced much of the policies he endorses today. Nkrumah wrote in his autobiography that “. . . of all the literature that I studied, the book that did more than any other to fire my enthusiasm was the Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey in 1923.”


He Was Unusually Disciplined and Stern Growing Up

For those who don’t know, Robert Mugabe had a very rough childhood, according to Biography.com. By the time he was 10 years old he had already lost two of his older brothers and his Malawian father had left his family. These tough circumstances ultimately made him a very stern and disciplined young man.


He Used to be a Teacher

Mugabe’s years of experience teaching is a part of what anchored his dedication to education once he became Zimbabwe’s president. When Mugabe took over as a revolutionary he was known for putting a great emphasis on education and, according to an article titled Education in Zimbabwe, he led the people in the country to become some of the most literate people in Africa.


He Continued Teaching Even in Prison

In 1964 the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) was banned in in Rhodesia and the Robert Mugabe would find himself behind bars for 10 years, but that didn’t put his influential work on hold. While in prison, Mugabe taught English to other prisoners, according to a report published on the History Channel’s website.


He Continued Learning In Prison As Well

With his passion for education more apparent than ever, Mugabe has seven (07) university degrees, six graduate degrees were earned while in prison, the History Channel report adds. Robert. The qualifications cover fields as diverse as education, economics, administration, science and law. Amongst his degrees are Bachelor of Law and Masters of Law from the University of London. Robert Mugabe also has 13 honorary degrees from other institutions of higher learning, including the Universities of Edinburg (UK), Massachusetts (US), Michigan (US), Moscow (Russia) and Fort Hare (South Africa)


He Was Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize

Today many people look at Mugabe and see an African leader with a legacy marred in human rights violations and political conflict, but his 1981 achievement adds another level of depth to Mugabe’s story. He was shortlisted for a Nobel Peace Prize after becoming Zimbabwe’s first democratically elected president since the country obtained independence, according to the British Film Institute.


He Has Great Respect for the Game of Cricket

Mugabe has been very open about his love for the sport of cricket but his admiration goes deeper than just entertainment. He once stated that he believed the game of cricket “civilizes people and creates good gentleman,” according to a report by the BBC. He even added that he wanted “everyone to play cricket in Zimbabwe” so the country could be a “nation of gentlemen.”



Why The West Loves Mandela And Hates Mugabe

"The West’s love affair with Mugabe came to an abrupt end when he rejected the Washington Consensus and embarked on a fast-track land reform program. Its disdain for him deepened when he launched an indigenization program to place majority control of the country’s mineral resources in the hands of black Zimbabweans.

Mugabe’s transition from ‘good’ liberation hero to ‘bad’, from saint to demon, coincided with his transition from “reliable steward” of Zimbabwe’s economy (that is, reliable steward of foreign investor and white colonial settler interests) to promoter of indigenous black economic interests.

That’s a transition Mandela never made. Had he, the elite of the imperialist world would not now be flocking to South Africa for Saint Mandela’s funeral, overflowing with fulsome eulogies."

Be pro black and for your people only and get ostracized and hated by your colonizer, now where have we heard and seen this at.......:mjpls:

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Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
He still is a horrible and brutal dictator.

Mugabe is a democratically elected President. If the people didn't like him then they could have elected someone else. You may not like the way he governs, but that does not make him a horrible and brutal dictator.

It is interesting that you didn't write that European colonial governments set up by the British and ran by Cecil Rhodes were horrible and brutal dictators. All Rhodes and the English did in Zimbabwe and for that matter in South Africa and the surrounding countries was to steal the land; steal the diamonds; form the DeBeers diamond company; set up the Rhodes scholarship on the backs of black people. All that they had to do to achieve that was murder off and displace generations of Bantu people; impose apartheid and then cover up those brutal dictatorial criminal acts by saying that the English had brought civilization to a backwards people.


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
Mugabe is a democratically elected President. If the people didn't like him then they could have elected someone else. You may not like the way he governs, but that does not make him a horrible and brutal dictator.

It is interesting that you didn't write that European colonial governments set up by the British and ran by Cecil Rhodes were horrible and brutal dictators. All Rhodes and the English did in Zimbabwe and for that matter in South Africa and the surrounding countries was to steal the land; steal the diamonds; form the DeBeers diamond company; set up the Rhodes scholarship on the backs of black people. All that they had to do to achieve that was murder off and displace generations of Bantu people; impose apartheid and then cover up those brutal dictatorial criminal acts by saying that the English had brought civilization to a backwards people.

That bougie c00n proved my point with his post, just as I said in the OP, the west has painted Mugabe in such a disgusting way just enough for brainwashed c00ns not to be able to see through the BS. Whites hate Mugabe because he was anti neo c00nialism and for his people. He wants whites out of the land, which any African should agree with there and abroad.......


Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
Mugabe is a democratically elected President. If the people didn't like him then they could have elected someone else. You may not like the way he governs, but that does not make him a horrible and brutal dictator.

It is interesting that you didn't write that European colonial governments set up by the British and ran by Cecil Rhodes were horrible and brutal dictators. All Rhodes and the English did in Zimbabwe and for that matter in South Africa and the surrounding countries was to steal the land; steal the diamonds; form the DeBeers diamond company; set up the Rhodes scholarship on the backs of black people. All that they had to do to achieve that was murder off and displace generations of Bantu people; impose apartheid and then cover up those brutal dictatorial criminal acts by saying that the English had brought civilization to a backwards people.
All truth. great post

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Mugabe is a democratically elected President. If the people didn't like him then they could have elected someone else. You may not like the way he governs, but that does not make him a horrible and brutal dictator.

It is interesting that you didn't write that European colonial governments set up by the British and ran by Cecil Rhodes were horrible and brutal dictators. All Rhodes and the English did in Zimbabwe and for that matter in South Africa and the surrounding countries was to steal the land; steal the diamonds; form the DeBeers diamond company; set up the Rhodes scholarship on the backs of black people. All that they had to do to achieve that was murder off and displace generations of Bantu people; impose apartheid and then cover up those brutal dictatorial criminal acts by saying that the English had brought civilization to a backwards people.
So is Putin :mjlol: