Was a decent show tonight.
-Bryan/Cena & Rey.Punk was good stuff, bad ending to the main event though
-Punk/Shpw/Cena is a bad feud
-Sandow beating down Brodus was cool
-Jericho's commentary was a nice throwback to fun Jericho
- Good progression with HHH/Lesnar I see a "Shawn comptemplating throwing in the towel" moment in the works at SS
-The Sheamus Del Rio feud is one of the worst of the year
The rest pretty much left no impression good or bad, very forgettable
-Bryan/Cena & Rey.Punk was good stuff, bad ending to the main event though
-Punk/Shpw/Cena is a bad feud
-Sandow beating down Brodus was cool
-Jericho's commentary was a nice throwback to fun Jericho
- Good progression with HHH/Lesnar I see a "Shawn comptemplating throwing in the towel" moment in the works at SS
-The Sheamus Del Rio feud is one of the worst of the year
The rest pretty much left no impression good or bad, very forgettable