The show was really bad tonight. A lot of throwaway matches, which I mean with 3 hours and not that many established stars/stars who no one really gives a damn about, its not really a shock.
Most disappointing was the Brock/HBK/HHH confrontation. They did the right thing keeping Brock with very little to say, but there was so much more that should have happened- ie the beat-down many of us were expecting.
Dolph vs Riley: It could be spun into Dolph being thrown off his game but really A-Ri picking up a 'W', against Dolph? Ehh.
The Diva's match was blah. I'm all for girl power but I'm not gonna prop up crap.
Speaking of crap, the entire ADR/Sheamus silliness was a waste of time.
D-Bry/Cena was enjoyable for what it was. Very stupid to have Punk ramble about how he's not gonna take it anymore, only to get knocked out by Show.
All in all, just very shoddy booking. One would think that due to the extra hour, that they would at least try to make the show seem like it wasn't just ideas thrown together at the last minute.
Overall D