I didn't watch but HBGOAT was on raw?
YawpThe show was really bad tonight. A lot of throwaway matches, which I mean with 3 hours and not that many established stars/stars who no one really gives a damn about, its not really a shock.
Most disappointing was the Brock/HBK/HHH confrontation. They did the right thing keeping Brock with very little to say, but there was so much more that should have happened- ie the beat-down many of us were expecting.
Dolph vs Riley: It could be spun into Dolph being thrown off his game but really A-Ri picking up a 'W', against Dolph? Ehh.
The Diva's match was blah. I'm all for girl power but I'm not gonna prop up crap.
Speaking of crap, the entire ADR/Sheamus silliness was a waste of time.
D-Bry/Cena was enjoyable for what it was. Very stupid to have Punk ramble about how he's not gonna take it anymore, only to get knocked out by Show.
All in all, just very shoddy booking. One would think that due to the extra hour, that they would at least try to make the show seem like it wasn't just ideas thrown together at the last minute.
Overall D
Friends with Benefits
not even a Titty
I'm only fronting while my boys around so my ego doesn't take a blow
you know behind closed doors I'ma be feeding you grapes and rubbing them platypus feets.
when peope be like yo Larry, who that? you know what I'ma say? she's my queeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Well if you're an indication of what women say then that would point to me being the problem and that's just not a viable option, I'm gonna mark you down as an exception to the rule.
What movie is that from?
Looks like something I would enjoy.
After RAW went off the air, CM Punk hosted the Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night.
They had John Cena, Big Show, Randy Orton & everyone from the back come out on the staging, while Triple H, Vince McMahon & The Undertaker came out to the ring to say thanks.
John Laurinaitis then came out with a big heart to say thank you to Shawn, but he got superkicked. Michaels said thanks to the crowd one more time to close the show.
I can't say I hated RAW like ya'll. probably because I had so much fun with this thread with the simping and other random fukkery.
I thought Bryan/Cena was good, and I thought the end of RAW was great. Yeah, Big Show was left standing tall and he's pretty much a piece of shyt, but it was still a cool little ending. My only question is, where the fukk did Bryan go? nikka literally vanished and was never seen again...did her roll under the ring or something?
The midcard was awful, but who cares. Lesnar provided some comedy with his bassless voice, and ChristRAsH took took that L which is always good. Plus, we got an Alex Riley burial that was funny as hell.
Show could have used a lot more Bryan though. They gave Sheamus the treatment they gave Bryan last week, and he ain't deliver at all. Dude simply isn't entertaining.
overall, I give it a C+...was gonna give it a C, but Bryan and Cena bumped the score up a bit. I'll see ya'll next week...
Libra, I'll see you when I get home![]()
Do y'all think this 3 hour thing is an attempt to merk The Coli?
We were draggin feet in that third hour, and couldn't clown like we used to.
I see you, Vince![]()
After Raw went off-air, John Cena came to and warmed up the crowd for Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night. First, Cena introduced a gorgeous video tribute to Michaels. Great work from the video team. Cena then welcomed Michaels to the ring.
Michaels was followed shortly out by Triple H, who acted like the emcee for the night. C.M. Punk also came to and completely broke kayfabe to thank Michaels for inspiring him and noted Shawn's autograph is one he has kept since age 15.
After Punk left, Vince McMahon came out and told Shawn that he felt like a father to him and said, "I love you son," and they hugged. Hunter then brought out the entire locker room, but one man, who got a special entrance, The Undertaker.
Taker told Shawn that if he had to list his Top 5 matches of all-time, Shawn would be directly responsible in some way for three of them. He then thanked Shawn for being a friend, and they hugged. Shawn was presented with a commemorative plaque to honor his work for the AT&T Center, as well. The last person who came out was John Laurinaitis, who received an immediate Sweet Chin Music out of the ring. Hunter and McMahon rolled Johnny back into the ring to chants of "One more time," which Michaels obliged.
Michaels closed by thanking everyone for supporting him, then he, Triple H, and Taker posed for pictures to end the night in a WrestleMania 28 reunion.