I'm just happy taker didn't look old confused and frail like he did at XXX tonight. He did better than he was given credit for going into the match and I'm happy to be that guy to hammer that point home
That tends to happen when you don't get concussed 5 minutes into the match.
Nevertheless, this shyt was ridiculous. Like, I'm still in my hotel room trying to process this shyt because I seriously have no clue how they could have come up with some of this crap. And the worst part about it is the fact that the wrestling was pretty good throughout. The finishes though...the fukking finishes.

Seriously, what kind of dipshyts sit in a room and say to themselves, "hey, let's have Jon Stewart be the deciding factor in our 'historic' Title v. Title match, even though he's never done a run in before." Or, "we're going to have Undertaker cheat to beat Brock to set up the rubber match at WrestleMania, but we're going to get to it via a confusing worked timekeeper fukkup. That won't piss the crowd off at all!"
Seriously, it's like they don't even think about how this is going to look when it plays itself out.