Overall a solid show.
Orton vs. Sheamus = B-
Solid match, didn't go too long, and had some nice spots.
Tag Team Titles match = A-
New Day WAS the match. They were extremely entertaining and had the crowd in the palms of their hands. I took off some points because PTP had a completely underwhelming reign and weren't even treated like Champions. But still a fun match. And Titus is over as hell.
Rusev vs Ziggler = C-
Decent match with a bad ending. Also Lana being dressed like Ziggler was
Amell and Neville vs Barrett and Stardust = C
Better than I expected. Amell put in good work and definitely looked ready.
IC Title Match = N/A
I went to get something to eat. Didn't even bother watching it. But based on the comments here, it sucked like we expected.
Wyatt and Harper vs Reigns and Ambrose = C
OK match but there was no way Harper alone could carry this match to anything notable.
Cena vs. Rollins = B
Well at least Cena didn't win. Rollins was on his A game and brought out his best moves. The Stewart interference was

but I'll take it.
Divas' match = C-
Team BAD was the first eliminated, Brie pinned Tamina who is supposed to be the most dominant woman in the match (

), and honestly there was just too many people involved in the match. And many of the dives to the outside looked disastrous.
Owens vs. Cesaro = A
Great match from both of them and definitely met my expectations. Plus props for Owens doing double duty this weekend.
Lesnar vs. Undertaker = D+
I know it's harsh but that finish was the bullest of shyts. So bad that it took away from a great match. There HAD to have been a better ending that they could have done. But no they went for this screwy finish.