Black female self-esteem and image has been dragged through the mud to make us more amenable to dating/chasing white men.
Black women are told they are ugly, masculine, ridiculed for wearing weave, then ridiculed and discriminated against if they wear their natural hair, called fat, told they are going to be alone, bitter, have bad attitudes, undesirable. That’s the first attack.
Next was overhyping exoticals and white women, dudes saying how they were better than black women, a bunch of internet gurus spewing hate towards black women based on these lies, even the music we nothing but bytches and hoes, and basically clowning black chicks if they dark skin in the media, saying we were mad about IR dating because nobody wanted us. Sliding biracial women in with black males in the media to represent and replace black women. Unattractive or gay/biracial black female side chick comedy relief. Second attack.
Third attack were the “stats”. 70% single. 70% baby mamas. 70% in poverty. Only worth $5. 70% obese. 80% Rapes, homicides. Least desired. I mean we’ve seen this shyt on this site too.
The end game was to psychologically alienate black women to get them to “open up their options”.
Simultaneously, the media has also been hell bent on black women “trying something new”. Even sociologists out there telling black women to open up their options. Date out. In the media, pairing black women with non-blk men. So now we on the final wave of the “swirling era” in response to 2 decades of “I don’t like black bishes”.
The endgame: get black women to date white men.
Whites demonize you when you not feeling them like that. If black women fall for the bait, I bet we’ll get reports of these statistics “improving”. But it won’t be because white men were the answer. It will be because these lies weren’t true in the first place. Blacks believe whites when they claim to not desire us. But whites have been working OVERTIME to get us to reject our own race and chase them.
It’s their way of breeding us out. shyt like this is why I can’t get down with them. Black men and black women may have some issues but I can’t justify running to white people as a solution to problems THEY created.
I bet if somebody looked at the stats for black men it would be the same thing.
We gotta stop being willing to believe the worst of our race to avoid owning up to our own collective self-hate.