I'm in there right now.
Sh1t is actually kinda cool.
nah, not really.....its actually pretty sad.....everyone seemed so lonely.......but it was worth trying atleast once......
If there was an actual topic at hand like politics, sports or something then it would have been a bit interesting but instead all I saw was a bunch of broads not showing their titties
and that one ignorant ass n1gga complaining about his old ass 1985 Apple II CPU that had like 20 mb of ram and a floppy disk drive not being able to load all the webcams, n1gga said he tried to open an album from this site and couldn't cause he had no idea what a rar file was
couple of cute chicks came thru tho, and I always thought every coli chick was ****
who was that white chick tho?
Coli is pawging hard