Honga Ciganesta
Japanese Keyhole Porn Don
I'm near tears over that Kalisto promo
Looking at the rosters side by side, Shane's picks look really weird kayfabe wise. If you switch the authority figures around for both shows, it makes a lot more sense. RAW is what SD should have been, given what Shane's agenda was. Instead Stephanie is the face of the "new era", with the group of guys heading for the main event, while Shane has the old guard for the most part.
Shane is the one who in kayfabe wants to give the ball to the younger talent and Bryan is a fan of guys like Cesaro (his favorite wrestler from the current roster), Owens and Zayn. Yet they let all of them go to RAW while they get an aging Cena, aging Orton, aging Kane, aging Del Rio, aging Ziggler, aging AJ (despite being new still) and a few younger guys like Ambrose, Corbin, American Alpha, and Wyatt.
Still #SDSet tho.
maybe he can go back in time and become the one man band he always wanted to be?
The brand split will end with 'Heathpoint' after he uses New Day's time machine to go back in time and get drafted. But he changes the timeline irreparebly.....
How can anyone say SD won this? Outside Styles, there isn't a great worker on there. It's basically lets be boost ratings with Cena and Orton. We can surround them with mid card trash. They got the worst workers. The garbage tag teams. The women who are Midcard. It's still the same fukking show like before
Of course not, but don't be ignorant about him having the same chances to be on top as the chosen ones
Looking at the rosters side by side, Shane's picks look really weird kayfabe wise. If you switch the authority figures around for both shows, it makes a lot more sense. RAW is what SD should have been, given what Shane's agenda was. Instead Stephanie is the face of the "new era", with the group of guys heading for the main event, while Shane has the old guard for the most part.
Shane is the one who in kayfabe wants to give the ball to the younger talent and Bryan is a fan of guys like Cesaro (his favorite wrestler from the current roster), Owens and Zayn. Yet they let all of them go to RAW while they get an aging Cena, aging Orton, aging Kane, aging Del Rio, aging Ziggler, aging AJ (despite being new still) and a few younger guys like Ambrose, Corbin, American Alpha, and Wyatt.
Still #SDSet tho.
they def have that influence. they wear a similar gear to the ring and they also do the thing where rick would run around and go under Scotts legs like a dog lolAre they supposed to be a new age Steiner bros?
1. List these great talents on RawWhy would Cesaro have more of a chance on SD, on the B show, with far fewer great talents to work with, with an already super thick glass ceiling separating the top guys from the mid card? This chosen one shyt has absolutely nothing to do with what he was complaining about. There are chosen ones on both shows and he's not any of them.
1. List these great talents on Raw
2. He would have a better chance because Vince isn't as controlling of Smackdown as he is of Raw and history says so. Its the same reasons why Eddie, Edge, King Booker, JBL, John Cena, CM Punk, & Daniel Bryan all got a chance to grow into their characters and take that next step to show what they could do.
Besides Batista, who was made & became a star on Raw.......?
You're right on some accounts, but as long has Raw as Stephanie's on-screen presence, that automatically knocks it down
1. All those guys you're on record shytting on are now suddenly "great" when you're trying to make a point. Typical1. Rollins, Balor, Zayn, Owens, Neville, New Day, Anderson, the cruiserweights. Not all guys that I personally think are great, but seem to be pretty universally supported as high workrate talent.
2. Vince is controlling over everything. Dude was getting NXT finishes changed as recently as few weeks ago. He literally has the final say over everything. You're basing everything about the current split on the last one, which is silly since the rosters were actually even then and they had an actually need to split in the first place. Eddie/Edge getting pushes in 2002 on SD has nothing to do with Cesaro getting on on SD in 2016. At all.
Brehs are so fukking stuck on the idea of what SD was at the start of the original draft that they can't let go and see that this split is incredibly different on every level, that SD is stacked with almost all of the actually character gimmicks, and the gulf from top guy to mid card on SD is significantly larger than what it is on Raw.
1. All those guys you're on record shytting on are now suddenly "great" when you're trying to make a point. Typical
2. "As controlling" Read. Vince isn't at every smackdown. He's not micro managing the announcers, the writers, and the talent like he does on Raw. Which is straight from Heyman & Meltzer's mouths. We've seen guys step up & become stars on Smackdown. Aside from Batista, who has on Raw?
Cesaro would know better than you & i both and we heard it straight from his mouth.
Looking at the rosters side by side, Shane's picks look really weird kayfabe wise. If you switch the authority figures around for both shows, it makes a lot more sense. RAW is what SD should have been, given what Shane's agenda was. Instead Stephanie is the face of the "new era", with the group of guys heading for the main event, while Shane has the old guard for the most part.
Shane is the one who in kayfabe wants to give the ball to the younger talent and Bryan is a fan of guys like Cesaro (his favorite wrestler from the current roster), Owens and Zayn. Yet they let all of them go to RAW while they get an aging Cena, aging Orton, aging Kane, aging Del Rio, aging Ziggler, aging AJ (despite being new still) and a few younger guys like Ambrose, Corbin, American Alpha, and Wyatt.
Still #SDSet tho.
So i should believe you over Dave Meltzer & Paul Heyman?1. Way to skip the part in my post where I said they weren't all guys that I personally enjoy, so you can make your point based on a show from 14 years ago. Typical.
2. Vince absolutely does micromanage Smackdown. fukking Dave Meltzer ran with reporting that AJPW opened up a free streaming service because dudes put a ton of matches up on Google Drive. And Heyman is a pathological liar who hasn't been involved in any kind of booking or writing capacity in well over a decade.
All I heard straight from Cesaro's mouth was him being upset about having to cut promos, since he sucks at them and won't put in the work to improve. Ironically said during a promo.