[7/13/19] All Elite Wrestling: Fight For The Fallen


May 30, 2012
Big Con (pun intended) : Kenny and the Bucks are clearly under performing in their own company. Kenny is going at maybe 75% Big Match Kenny (I'd argue at Fyter Fest he was in full blown house show tights Kenny mode). He seems mentally checked out, and I'd say maybe it's all the business side of stuff weighing on him, but tbh once he won the IWGP Championship, he seemed like this his last 6 months in NJ as well. As for the Bucks, I'm not really sure what's up with them. They've certainly made a conscious effort to tone down the crazy spot fests over the past 2 years or so, but they've yet to really strike the right balance between story/emotional/character work and crazy spots and sequences they're known for. This also was a thing while they were still in NJ, and actually even more noticeable in the last few PWG appearances where they turned dream matches ( Bucks vs Rascalz, Bucks vs Cobb/Riddle vs Rascalz) into basically comedy matches.

I guess my point is that Cody has clearly out shined Kenny and The Bucks 3 shows in a row and that seems like a legit problem to me.
The thing with Kenny is that he is a 5 star caliber wrestler especially when facing other such hot commodities which there aren't many. In AEW I'd say only Pentagon, Fenix and eventually Pac can draw such quality with Kenny.

Homeboy Runny-Ray

From Around The Way
May 2, 2012
Classic Niccas
The Elite making sure they get over more than the rest of the talent was a fear that seems to be coming true: Brandi on the main card, joshi girls/Britt Baker (who originally was built as the face of the division) on the pre show. Bucks being 3-0, already with 2 wins over Lucha Bros, already getting a big gimmick match for no reason other than just to have one for pops and overshadowing the tag tournament starting at All Out. Kenny/Moxley overshadowing the Jericho/Page title match, also completely eclipsed whatever Janella did in the main event against Mox, then on this show Joey was on the losing end of a random six man tag and buried by Jericho on the mic for being a joke character.

brandi, allie & kong are all bigger names than everyone who was in the pre-show tag match.

it doesn't take much to over-shadow Jericho/page.


May 18, 2015
brandi, allie & kong are all bigger names than everyone who was in the pre-show tag match.

it doesn't take much to over-shadow Jericho/page.

Brandi isn't a name and is barely a wrestler and is terrible, Kong hasn't been a regular performer in 7-8 years. No one knows Allie because no one watches TNA. She's also pretty bad. So of course they got the main show while the talented women and ones they had set up to be the star of the division were on the pre-show getting concussed. Makes sense.

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
I still gotta finish the show, but I can’t imagine I’m gonna feel any differently about AEW after I do. They seem to be more or less staying the course in terms of what they’re presenting or doing, which is fair since their fan base is eating it up. But I’m not really crazy about anything they’ve put forth minus Cody and Dustin at DON. I feel like it still needs a lot of work in many categories, and I’m hoping they see what weaknesses they have (production is one of the biggest) and tighten it up heading into TV in the fall.

Homeboy Runny-Ray

From Around The Way
May 2, 2012
Classic Niccas
Brandi isn't a name and is barely a wrestler and is terrible, Kong hasn't been a regular performer in 7-8 years. No one knows Allie because no one watches TNA. She's also pretty bad. So of course they got the main show while the talented women and ones they had set up to be the star of the division were on the pre-show getting concussed. Makes sense.

kong is still the biggest pop theyre gonna get out of their womens division anytime soon.
brandi is brandi.
allie is more known than all the pre-show broads. nobody watches TNA but they watch joshi & british female wrestling?? where did britt baker even come from??

the more they get their chit off, then they can pass them up. but for now......


May 18, 2015
Let me know a single person that has ever existed that isn't related to her that has bought a ticket to see Brandi wrestle


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012

  • Cool venue and set up. Hopefully they run stuff like this for TV instead of generic NBA arenas.
  • They fixed their music and now have it on its own channel instead of just playing over arena speakers for TV.


  • Still full of production issues. This lasted from the pre-show to the main event. Every time they throw it to a video or interview, the announcers are confused and aren't sure if they're even throwing to the right thing. Which they didn't at least once. JR has been doing this for 40 years and three shows in a row he's had deer in the headlights looks trying to throw it to something. They also did a poor job of timing out their show, leading them to rush at the end of the show, something that also was an issue at All In. Luckily this time it was a post match promo instead of the fukking main event getting cut in half.
  • Matches are too fukking long. This has been an issue with all three AEW shows and will likely be a problem at All Out as well. Maybe weekly live TV will force them to get things tighter. There was no fukking reason Sabian/Page needed to be 19 minutes, nor Cima/Kenny go 22, or Bucks/Rhodes go over 30 minutes. All it led to was lots of boring downtime and the crowds losing interest. Especially in an outdoor venue in Florida in the middle of July, ain't no one looking for half hour tag matches.
  • Their booking and character/story stuff is inconsistent with what happens in the ring. The pre-match video from Brandi where this match was some big emotional moment for her and was a big deal and you should really get behind her, then when she comes out she's full heel and even the announcers were confused. The Bucks/Rhodes video had the Bucks as the dikk heads pushing the issue, but then large chunks of the match had Cody working heel and the Bucks working full blown RNR faces in perils style. And then other parts of the match had the Bucks as cocky dikk heads disrespecting their best friend and his legendary brother. It just didn't mesh. That's if there's any character stuff to be had at all. What do you know about any of the joshi girls? Or Jimmy Havoc? Or Alex Guevara? Or shyt, Kip Sabian? Really, does Adam Page have any kind of character or personality at all?
  • Their women's division is awful. That they have Brandi in the ring at all tells you all you need to know, but her on the main show with the joshi girls on the pre-show, and hyping a 50 year old Aja Kong vs washed for a decade Awesome Kong match with no mention of a title so far says more than I can. Brandi in general seems to have 3 separate characters going on at the same time: Straight shooting boss lady when promoting, face/loving wife/hype woman when around Cody....comical 80s heel when doing stuff with the women's division.
  • They're doing a major disservice to their titles already, and they don't even have champions crowned yet. It's something that we all thought, but Jericho pointing out all of the comedy characters in the battle royal Page won to be the number one contender (on the pre show, and he didn't even mention all the joke entries and more than made his point) makes the thing look bad to begin with. Jericho beat Kenny Omega, but Adam Page gets taken to almost a time limit draw against a dude who completely unknown in the US, and as a dude who has been selling a knee injury for two months, he's still doing standing shooting stars and moonsaults to the floor instead of protecting his knee. On top of all that, Moxley vs Omega has far more interest and hype than the title match and I'd be stunned of Page/Jericho actually went on last at All Out. I'd actually be surprised if it even went on second from last. For the tag division, the top 3 teams aren't even in the tag tournament. Lucha Bros and Young Bucks are going to be in a ladder match (with nothing at stake, just full bore EWR booking), Cody will be in singles, Dustin probably won't be on the card at all. So that's both titles and the top guys won't be involved in either division.
  • Commentary needs to be changed in a hurry. At a minimum, get Alex Marvez the fukk outta there. He's terrible and actively harms the show with saying stupid shyt, wrong shyt, or blowing reveals.
  • Kenny/Cody came off as real nerds bytching about "counter programming". Why they think WWE isn't going to come after them is beyond me.
  • They're already burning through all of their biggest matches before they even start TV. By the time TV starts, there will have been 3 Bucks/Lucha Bros matches including a ladder match, Kenny/Jericho, Kenny/Ambrose, Bucks/Rhodes. They're just booking shyt like you would in EWR without giving a shyt about having to play more than a few months.

It was better than Evolve, at least :patrice:

Yea the commentary is not thre yet, JR seems like he misses Vince yelling in his headset cause he seems like he has no idea whats happening next far too often.. He also doesnt seem as excited by anything that happens anymore. He gets more worked up about his opinions of certain actions or moves than he does when something exciting happens.. Its still too early but maybe this commentating thing is a young mans game

Very first thing Bea did was kick Britt in the back of the head & give her a concussion :francis:

Marvez is so damn bad at this & the only reason he's there is because Khan wants him. They hired a bunch of people with nothing to do with wrestling & for some reason he's the only one they've put on the shows so far. JR in between sounding like he couldn't care any less about stuff happening sounds like he hates dude too which is hilarious. He serves no purpose since Excalibur (the only bright spot of commentary) does all the heavy lifting & JR is pretty much the color guy.

Main event was all over the place. Bucks came into the match as heels, worked the first 10 minutes as heels, worked the middle 10 minutes as faces, & then closed it out as the maybe heels. Cody hasn't had a match yet under the AEW banner where I felt like shyt made sense :yeshrug:

I hate his voice, he sounds like a parody of what a commentator should sound like. its so fake and goofy.

That's because almost everyone under the NJPW banner knows how to tell a story IN THE RING, which seems to be a lost art with a lot of indy workers.

You look at the matches from the 3 days of this year's G1, and almost every one of them tells a story that you can follow without having to know any Japanese or even follow the product. That really helps a match out, especially when the in-ring work is basic or otherwise not enough to capture you on its own (as much pub as it gets for match quality, a lot of G1 matches, as a byproduct of how brutal the schedule is, will top out at "good" in ring). Go watch EVIL/Bad Luck Fale from last week's Dallas show, for example: not really a "good" match work wise, but there was a strong, solid story to it that anyone could follow which elevated the match and made it enjoyable.

Meanwhile, almost every match on Fight for the Fallen featured a story being abandoned so guys or girls could do moves. Doesn't mean the matches were bad, but Omega/CIMA had a strong story with the knee work that got abandoned so CIMA could do 8000 Meteoras and feed into whatever Kenny wanted to do. Bucks/Rhodes Boys had fragments of 3 different stories that were all well done but never gelled into anything. And on and on.

It's genuinely weird to me that so many wrestlers and wrestling fans can't figure this out. Even legit MMA fights have through lines and narratives which emerge due to injuries, skill sets, strategies, etc. just as all real sports do. But for some reason it's acceptable for wrestling matches (literally worked MMA no matter how much people don't want this to be the case) to devolve into mindless stunt shows even when a mindless stunt show is not called for (they're not bad things, but they have their place).

Saw that on Twitter. Bea planted her heel right in Baker's temple. :francis:

I still think Priestley's a better wrestler than Baker, but come on now...

I maintain that AEW needs to get a real color person alongside Excalibur, move JR to production, and move Marvez away from commentary altogether. I hate to harp on this, but how is it that UFC, for all their idiocy, can consistently get the play-by-play (Jon Anik)/color (Joe Rogan)/expert fighter (Daniel Cormier or Dominick Cruz) dynamic right, but almost all wrestling companies consistently fukk it up? It's not hard, I swear...

Yea im glad im not the only one that doesnt like him, he sounds goofy for no reason. But we will see they should improve
I only watched a couple of matches (Page/Kip, SCU/Lucha Bros, Omega/CIMA) and they have so much shyt to solve before going to tv. Why does JR seem completely clueless every time about whatever match is next? Whenever they cut to the announcer's table it's three confused guys trying to figure out what to say and when to move on.

Also, that stuff about wins and losses really mattering is nice and all but it seems a bit early for commentary to be repeatedly concerned about Omega not having won a singles match in AEW yet when his match here against CIMA was literally his second singles match in AEW.:skip:

I guess that also means that All In is a non-kayfabe event since Omega beat Pentagon Jr there but that is whatever.:hubie:

Speaking of Omega/CIMA, the one thing they successfully achieved in that match is making the Meteora as irrelevant a move as the V-trigger since apparently getting hit by it twelve times from every angle and height imaginable does absolutely nothing. If this false finish spamfest nonsense is going to be the base of Omega's matches just like his title reign in NJPW, this is going to be all types awful.:francis:

I hate how this new era has these super fancy moves that never win, like a regular show or weekly tv, a V trigger should get a pin. a fukking top rope spanish fly should be a finisher. They over do it with kicking out of these moves EVERY match