More coli doomer bullshyt that only sounds good to awkward depressed dudes looking for excuses to give up on talking to womenYou say this as if superficiality doesn't run dating. There is objectivity in everything, even "subjective" topics. If you don't know what qualifiers are for the top 20, again, this is wilfully obtuse.
The 80/20 rule was not taken from a dating site, it existed and was spoken on before that, the dating site study corroborated the theory. Also supported by the scientific study that 30% of men to walk the Earth have made a genetic contribution to the present human gene pool. Much closer to 80/20 than the "something for everyone" or "you don't try hard enough" talk.
And a survey of 1M+ plus women on the internet's leading dating site isn't trivial before you try that angle.

An outdated study from 2009 on OKCupid study where female users find 80% of male profiles "below average.
We talking about profiles …not real life human interaction