No, a million people is not inconclusive in the real world. You want it to be. There is no study taking on every living person. Empirical law doesn't require such, at some point a trend is established that can and does speak to the larger mass.That number could be and is inconclusive in the real world. No, I do not have access to tinders current data stats. But the numbers could differ. You are not going to get a consistent number. As no one has quantified the exact percentage of men that ticks all the boxes. And it can only be based on income and on height. A man that earns $130,545 is already in the top 20 percent as the income can be quantified by the yearly incomes and by gender. Height can also be quantified.
You have failed to provide an accurate example of what a 20th percentile man is. Most men that are in relationships are average.
No, it cannot only be based on income and height. Again, if you have no clue what a top 20% men is outside of these factors, you can continue being wilfully obtuse.
As for the bolded, @Cloutius Maximus and I have covered this already.
i wouldn't say it's 80/20 more like 100/60. I'd say there's a solid 30-40% of dudes not eating at all. Usually a combination of lack of social skills, super nerdy looking/ugly, lack of funds, lack of motivation, isolation, or being overworked and too tired to go out. Some of them could improve with a little (or a lot) of effort, but some of em are just hopeless. You see the men who are part of that 60% when you go out. Yes, the MAJORITY of men are still getting laid. The minority that can't get laid still amounts to MILLIONS of men, you don't see them because they are either sitting at home or scurrying past you on their way home with their head down. Millions of men not getting any sex is still a problem even if the majority of men are eating.
Back in my father's day it was maybe 5-10% of men not eating. When that number triples, society will feel it.
Simply saying "but he's in relationship" doesn't debunk the rule when it's not to be taken as absolute in the first place.This is the answer and in those next 2 tiers (2nd 20%, middle 20%) there is a range, all of the 60% isn't "eating" but will put in the work and jump through the hoops to end up with a woman, or latch on to the first okay woman there is and locks in. But Coli niqqas don't know what that man dealt with or deals with to have her with her at the Applebee's table or movie theater date they keep using as evidence.
The 20% are still the prize. The next 20% are enough for a woman to be fairly happy or can put in the work (play games) to play the field and "eat". The middle 20% are the guys married and getting sex 6-10 times a year and shyt and/or keeping a woman with money only. After that the bottom 40% is not getting it and that's a very large number.