for those that truly believe they are being held back and proportionalized, yes. if you dont then, well, stay. you got your house, car, etc. but there's a lot of people who dont have those things and feel that its because of a system holding them down, I say to those people...leave.
jews made a lot of arab countries wealthy but when they realized the system was working against them, they didnt sulk and cry they went back home. there's no defeat going back home, its just rational to want an easier life.
Yeah, but Jews control banking, media, and Hollywood.
They've also had the ability to blend in with CACs (because they are CACs) when it's convenient for them. Just think about all the Hollywood celebrities who merely changed their names and became White. Get a nose job and you're John or Jane Smith.
Because the people who control the country brought us here as slaves and right after the Civil War ended the plan Lincoln had was to ship black people back to Africa.
We're not wanted here and the masses of us don't want to admit that.
Lincoln had planned to send the newly freed slaves to either Africa or to Belize or Guyana.
Lincoln changed his beliefs after his friendship with Frederick Douglass convinced him that slavery was not merely an issue of keeping the union together, but a moral issue.
He'd a lived if that was his plan. His "newer" plan was to give Blacks the right to vote in America, which is why John Wilkes Boothe shot him.
Why is you nikkas always worried about race?
Black people this and that, stfu already. Watch someone call me a "c00n" or not really black because I don't bytch and complain about nothing and exaggerate things. One of you please tell me how bad YOUR daily life is as a black person in America. Don't tell me about someone you don't even know that got killed by the police and how the media brainwashes into believing that it happens more often than it actually does.
Well, it's likely if you're Black, you're going to live somewhere that is more polluted, has more crime, more unemployment, a two tiered legal system that is designed to exploit and destroy you, you probably have a worst job than you would if you were White, you have more debt than your White counterpart even if you have the same income and credit score, your kids are going to go to worst schools, where they'll be frustrated and eventually graduate (if they do) with an inferior education to their White counter parts, and then have to go out into a world where they're a target to be brutalized over Skittles, some cigarillos, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
But other than that, it's cool.