Cant remember much of the divas match, I'm not sold on Paige but she's still so young - I'm sure she gonna be great. The WeeLC on the pre-show was also great, loved the mini commentary team

Micro cole

I love simple banter like that. Shield/Evolution was awesome just as expected. Bray/Cena was alright, thought the ending was stupid as fukk though - could of been way creepier IMO if they had used a freaky looking little girl. It just all seemed a bit of a joke, I couldn't take that demon voice seriously one bit, far too much fukker there. Bryan/Kane was awesome and had a nice attitude era feel to it - D Bry's run has been great so far, he's made the absolute best of the situation. Fairplay to him.[/QUOTE]
can they get away with that kind of taker/mankind/kane type fukkery for bray? I was expecting something more grandiose like cena slamming him through the ring, then smoke coming out of it with him appearing on the titan tron like