That ending
I’m recovering from migrane ass headache. It’s subsided a bit, but i swear as soon as Jimmy superkicked Roman I jumped up from my bed and went

and my headache came back like
The last time we’ve seen a slow build of a faction completely breaking down was Evolution. Only difference is that it didn’t take 3 years for it to happen.
This is picture perfect storytelling that we don’t see often in wrestling. Especially within WWE. Vinny Mac would have torn the group up after the Rumble, but nah. Hunter and his crew are making this go slow and go layer by layer
I’m starting to understand why they kept the title on Roman. I think it’s more complying cause now his castle is crumpling around him and the forces that have helped him maintain his power are now leaving him.
I mean Cody literally told him this in March..
So now when everybody leaves him, all he has are those titles…and then he becomes food
I honestly don’t feel they can milk this till Mania…this is all coming to a head at Summerslam…