40 yr old lifters

Jesus Is Lord

Give Thanks, Repent, and Forgive
Apr 30, 2012
Years ago I stopped doing rack squats and I focus on Hack Squats to save my knees. I still wrap my knees even though I’m only doing 225, nothing more. I lift to maintain, not gain. Not in my 30’s anymore, no need to go heavy.

But with my deads I’ll switch between the regular bar and the hex bar. Never going over 315.

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
23% of the folks at my last competition were 40+. One dude was 67.

@the cool If you wanna squat and deadlift do it. If you wanna go heavy do it. If you wanna lift light weights, you can do that too.

Do whatever you wanna do, just don't think your age is gonna be a limiting factor. The only limiting factor is your mind.



Old Master
May 11, 2012
23% of the folks at my last competition were 40+. One dude was 67.

@the cool If you wanna squat and deadlift do it. If you wanna go heavy do it. If you wanna lift light weights, you can do that too.

Do whatever you wanna do, just don't think your age is gonna be a limiting factor. The only limiting factor is your mind.



aka thejackroller, Jack Brannigan, Jack Birdbath
Mar 15, 2015
40 here. I finally did deadlifts just to shut up a friend of mine that was crowing about doing 415. He's in the 280 range and I wanted to light a fire under his ass as well as shut him up because he should be doing 500+ before talking like he was. I sent him a video and it backfired a bit as far as shutting him up because he was positive as hell and encouraged me to do more. He did 450 shortly afterwards though so I'm calling it a win.
For me, I think the lift is something I'd only do for PRs if I was doing competitions. As a guy just trying to be in shape, I feel the risk is greater than the reward. I plan on doing it at lighter weights for posture and strength. But I'm not going to be goaded into going crazy on it.
I don't feel squats are as dangerous, but I am not going nuts on that either. At his age, I'm babying my knees. Although I've done that forever after running on the pavement in the army.
I have had an upper body bias for years. So take what I say with a grain of salt I guess. I come from a line of large men that store fat easily so I've cheated by working out chest and back for years to make up for not having a flat stomach. Also the only major injury I ever had (complete pec tear) was from fukking dips. So I'm not saying you won't get hurt doing other shyt.
As far as deadlifts go, here is someone I consider an expert on injury.

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
40 here. I finally did deadlifts just to shut up a friend of mine that was crowing about doing 415. He's in the 280 range and I wanted to light a fire under his ass as well as shut him up because he should be doing 500+ before talking like he was. I sent him a video and it backfired a bit as far as shutting him up because he was positive as hell and encouraged me to do more. He did 450 shortly afterwards though so I'm calling it a win.
For me, I think the lift is something I'd only do for PRs if I was doing competitions. As a guy just trying to be in shape, I feel the risk is greater than the reward. I plan on doing it at lighter weights for posture and strength. But I'm not going to be goaded into going crazy on it.
I don't feel squats are as dangerous, but I am not going nuts on that either. At his age, I'm babying my knees. Although I've done that forever after running on the pavement in the army.
I have had an upper body bias for years. So take what I say with a grain of salt I guess. I come from a line of large men that store fat easily so I've cheated by working out chest and back for years to make up for not having a flat stomach. Also the only major injury I ever had (complete pec tear) was from fukking dips. So I'm not saying you won't get hurt doing other shyt.
As far as deadlifts go, here is someone I consider an expert on injury.

I see you. I personally feel squats and deads are much safer than (weighted dips) from a risk/reward perspective. :manny: So many fukking horror stories from cats doing dips. :merchant:

Side-note: 280? Dude should be in the 700 plus range (2.5x+ BW). Dude has 80 pounds on me and PRs with warm-up weights. :hhh:

As far as the video goes, yeah, maybe if your job revolves around physical performance (but not powerlifting) it'd make sense not to. Kinda explains why you see so many NFL/NBA dudes squatting/deadlifting with absolute dogshyt form if they're not really doing them in the team gyms. :ohhh:


Old Master
May 11, 2012
I see you. I personally feel squats and deads are much safer than (weighted dips) from a risk/reward perspective. :manny: So many fukking horror stories from cats doing dips. :merchant:

Side-note: 280? Dude should be in the 700 plus range (2.5x+ BW). Dude has 80 pounds on me and PRs with warm-up weights. :hhh:

As far as the video goes, yeah, maybe if your job revolves around physical performance (but not powerlifting) it'd make sense not to. Kinda explains why you see so many NFL/NBA dudes squatting/deadlifting with absolute dogshyt form if they're not really doing them in the team gyms. :ohhh:
About to start the #nodeadliftsforrepsmovement to end this nonsense