40+ Successful professional black women are getting in vitro to be "single mothers by choice"


Feb 16, 2017
I agree. I want children myself. I just am concerned about young Black boys that are navigating the world. I know I had male mentors that helped me navigate my career, coaches who helped me in my fitness and martial arts journey and others just who took the time to involve themselves in my life. Hell, I STILL have mentors and I'm a grown ass adult. I don't have my father any more (RIP) so I value the elders in my life.

I was at my uncles funeral earlier this year and I saw all these young boys talk about how much of a great coach and mentor he was. He was a hero in Augusta Georgia. He was a basketball and baseball coach and later was a pastor.

These young boys said their life would have been drastically different if my uncle wasn't in their lives. There was a young woman too that echoed the sentiment.

My uncle was a girl dad (two daughters, one died of lupus). I went on a tangent but you get my point

RIP to your Uncle seems like a Good Man.

Hopefully people will say similar things about me when I pass.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Nah if a chick especially a so called "baddie" is dealing with you it benefits her.

Besides it kinda doesn't work in reverse Lets say Rhianna lets you smash one time, You stll fukked Rhianna.

Drake still mentions this 10 years later.
Huh? Bro, reread what I wrote. I am not sure of your point


Mar 11, 2022
I agree with her but he's gong super hard on the passport bro talking points.

low key kinda weird but Black women fell for the trap even actual passport bros didn't really co sign her shyt.

The ill thing is Black women said everything but

I know I'm going hard in this thread and I live abroad but I can definitely say I NEED FBA WOMEN I recently played spades for the first time I miss the camraderie and the shared culture, the jokes and the laughs that I can't get anywhere else with any other kind of women

I went out on a date with an FBA woman didn't really work out and I couldn't then kick it to her friend but her friend actuiallly showed me how to make bread meaining actual bread.

I don't know what happened but FBA women seem to have no benefit for the average Black Man unless he's so handsome that she completely simps out most FBA woman look at us the way Uncle Ruckus looks at us Like he said twon nikkas and two quarters don't add up to fifty cents.

Of course we need y’all.

Look there’s a lot of pain and lack of accountability on both sides, but I think the online discourse foolishness is getting played out and people are slowly realizing we gotta move forward

King Poetic

Yeah I’m Washed
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles County, California
Of course we need y’all.

Look there’s a lot of pain and lack of accountability on both sides, but I think the online discourse foolishness is getting played out and people are slowly realizing we gotta move forward

Bingo!!! Accountability and online bullshyt

It’s crazy if u look online these people will say u don’t need marriage to raised a kid when your pockets are good.. look at that rap female artist Kash Doll who said it just recently online and the same with eboni k Williams…

These type of women are telling women if you got money you don’t need a marriage to take care of your kids….. money has replaced a father in many of these people lives especially the well to do sisters..

Then u have these dudes for some reason thinking going overseas for a woman 👩 s going to be different, but in reality when the sex wear off and responsibility comes into play, it’s going to be the same shyt u desl with American women just a different language

Social Media/Televison/Radio has really fukked us up today


May 1, 2012
If you count all the "opps all berries" kids with dudes with several kids the half non Black kids and the abortions having a Black Child in wedlock with a decent hardworking Black Man is kinda rare.
Mmmm not as rare as you think. Around 48 percent of Black children live with both parents who are married and or unmarried.


Probably drunk
Nov 18, 2013
Wouldn't it just mean they want to be mothers? "Single mothers by choice" sounds like they could had a family the traditional way but decided to dump their partnert and went with this.


Feb 16, 2017
Of course we need y’all.

Look there’s a lot of pain and lack of accountability on both sides, but I think the online discourse foolishness is getting played out and people are slowly realizing we gotta move forward
True but I'm not seeing it said on the women's side.

It's so easy to find the fukk shyt and you don't her women pushing back on this stuff other than a couple of youtubers like Chez Charde.

Look at this thread, This board is supposed to be the male equivalent of Lipstick Alley.

I don't fukk with that board but you can find a zillion posts saying fukk Black Men

I know what this thread is insinuating but if you parse it carefully you'd see no one is saying fukk Black Women It's more of a A certain subset of Black women are bushing Black Men and going the IVF route

I went out of my way to go on record that I not dissing Black women and FBA women specifically despite my criticisms

I frankly don't see this expressed the same way on the women's side/

I can acknowledge nikkas can be on some fukk shyt but the answer to the fukk shyt is staring Black women in the face.

I could post the video but it's long but a Dutch economist talked about why Rich countries aren't having kids.

The guy didn't use Rd Pill talking points he said women would have more children if jobs were more flexible and the cost of living where lower.

He also said kids in rich countries need more investment than kids in poor countries.

I could say if women could go on extended maternity leave in company A and they can't in Company B then Company B's employees might be more productive but putting that to the side he want all F.D. Signifier and went pass the real answer/

He said that the baby boom happened after WWII BECAUSE THEY LOST THEIR FACTORY JOBS AFTER THE WAR.

So he said that women settle when expedient so essentially you have to low key bride or take away shyt from women to have kids

He didn't say this but again he said it by omission.

What does this have to do with Black women?

Everyone says there's a "shortage" of Black Men yet 53% of Black Men are single and childless Atlanta is famous for the ratio yet it is or was the strip club capital of Black america

So that implies that women rather be a rich Man's whore than a poor Man's wife.

With Baby Mama culture being accepted it's wild that woman feel the need to go the IVF route

again say what you want about Men the average Man is not trying to become a brood animal for women

But you can't find a Man to have a fake relationship with to have an Opps baby?

Kash Doll just bushed her dude after giving birth the nikka had curly hair and she called her new baby China doll

So it looks like she basically had a baby with Pookie with the good hair and bushed him i.e an Opps baby.

If a failed ex stripper and failed rapper can do that why is Eboni K. Williams out here buying sperm?


Mar 11, 2022
Of course we need y’all.

Look there’s a lot of pain and lack of accountability on both sides, but I think the online discourse foolishness is getting played out and people are slowly realizing we gotta move forward


Yea that ain’t how the universe works. That ain’t how time works. For a solid 6-7 years that ideology has festered. That didn’t just happen in a vacuum it’s branched out and created irreparable damage. Women have fumbled good men, men have gone rogue and either resigned to be players for incels. Both have adopted bad behavior/mentalities that will make them red flags—-primarily women, bc all the focus is on men changing while women stray unchecked.

So yea maybe the younger generations can learn from mistakes but for a whole age group it’s curtains.

V Skyye

All Star
Mar 26, 2017
Most of my circle and family are working to middle class Black people and many of them have been married multiple times and some just marry a bit later than others. I have a cousin getting married next weekend and him and his future wife have 7 kids between them together and separately. I see so many different formulations of Black families. Most people just get in where they fit in. Both genders play around too much.

It seems to be primarily people in the millennial age group complaining and having a rough time. It’s easy to point fingers at 25 year olds once you’re 36+ and past your dating prime and say what everybody else is doing wrong. If you want a spouse look in the mirror at what you did wrong or what you’re currently doing wrong. Either way, everyone will do what works for them and it’s no amount of shaming or finger waving anyone can do about it. Instead of shaming, set your own example and raise your own family the way you want to do it.