Man the weird passport sisters I met are super delusional
Most of them are buying dikk.
I randomly watched a chick who made a cost of living video about las terranas.
She talked about the cost of her kids schooling
She had one daughter when she started her channel I guess a brehito gave her another baby that she will raise alone
Bruh! Them videos are destroying us
The chick I mentioned above floods me with them ‘Watch how I live as a digital nomad in Japan/Bali/Mexico….’ . They are all women. Like that song said, women are runners. I have never met a ngga who just randomly moved to another city bc he wasn’t ’feeling’ the other. But I meet countless women who have. I match with women on apps who are searching in my city when they don’t live there nor are they moving there. Just unhappy with their current state and roaming
I really hate to be a misogynist—-actually I don’t —-but women truly are like children. And what makes it more dangerous now, they are now unchecked, therapist empowered, intellectual children. So they’ve now mastered how to articulate and defend their bullshyt. And as a man it’s your job to find the EXACT way to carefully, calculated, yet demonstrably, soft-but not too soft firm -but not too firm—- lead her. Lot of dudes can’t or don’t want to