4 florida(broward county) teachers die from covid within 24hours


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
To the states rights sub conversation, I just wanted to point out that it's not just southern states who deploy those 'rights' in a that proves anti black.

My state completely flouted the feds and opened the doors to illegals who are now eligible for many of the same social services they aint put in on.

I actually don't think we talk about states rights enough. Its understandably a third rail for us, but I do think there's something to recommend the great experiment: without states rights, where would the enslaved have gone to be free? That we had free states at all is testament that states rights don't always go one way, right? :ld:

Anyway, back to the conversation.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
To the states rights sub conversation, I just wanted to point out that it's not just southern states who deploy those 'rights' in a that proves anti black.

My state completely flouted the feds and opened the doors to illegals who are now eligible for many of the same social services they aint put in on.
Why do you assume they "ain't put in on" those services? The idea that illegal immigrants don't pay taxes is a myth, overall their giving/receiving balance is likely higher than that for most citizens since most of them are of young working age so they're paying taxes but don't tend to use many benefits.

How Much Tax Do America's Undocumented Immigrants Actually Pay? [Infographic]


I actually don't think we talk about states rights enough. Its understandably a third rail for us, but I do think there's something to recommend the great experiment: without states rights, where would the enslaved have gone to be free? That we had free states at all is testament that states rights don't always go one way, right? :ld:

Anyway, back to the conversation.
Well, "Canada and Mexico" would have been the obvious answer, seeing as both nations banned slavery (federally, not state-by-state) over 30 years before America did.

I don't think the claim "states rights go both ways" really works, because by the early 1800s most voting Americans were opposed to slavery. As early as 1804, the free states had 95 electoral votes and the slave states only had 81 electoral votes. As times went on the gap got bigger and bigger. If if the federal government had forced the issue one way or the other, slavery almost certainly would have ended much earlier. It was the fact that some states could go it alone that kept the injustice from being resolved.

Of course, there's a theoretical argument that state's rights "could" be good for black folk in limited instances. But the vast majority of black folk have spent the vast majority of American history in states that have fukked them over.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Why do you assume they "ain't put in on" those services? The idea that illegal immigrants don't pay taxes is a myth, overall their giving/receiving balance is likely higher than that for most citizens since most of them are of young working age so they're paying taxes but don't tend to use many benefits. :mjlol:

How Much Tax Do America's Undocumented Immigrants Actually Pay? [Infographic]

I didn't want to make this a whole segue but since you busted out the charts like you doing something, I'd love to see the rest of that chart bc comparing the tax burden of illegals to that of a 1% that hires full time tax avoidance teams is disingenuous af. Your point would have been better made if they'd compared illegals to the middle class, you know, the ppl who carry the most tax burden.

Further, "don't tend to use many benefits"???!! :laff: Omg. You not serious. That's all I see coming in and out the transitional housing, they be WIC'd and EBT'd down to the socks, and who you think paying for all them babies and healthcare?? US, that's who: beleaguered middle class city residents who are holding on by their teeth.

My CITY alone allocated 1.5 BILLION to illegals for covid relief.

New York State is spending $2 billion on undocumented workers. Here's why.

Well, "Canada and Mexico" would have been the obvious answer, seeing as both nations banned slavery (federally, not state-by-state) over 30 years before America did
:beli: Yes bc Canada and Mexico are much more convenient than Ohio. Stop.


All Star
Nov 9, 2012
Those people in Florida voted for him. They knew he was a piece of shyt.
Bru sad part is Gullium should have won.this nikka out here smoked out , doin moist shyt with white boys , claiming he bi sexual now :snoop:

We lookin crazy down here i can't defend this gabaage.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I didn't want to make this a whole segue but since you busted out the charts like you doing something, I'd love to see the rest of that chart bc comparing the tax burden of illegals to that of a 1% that hires full time tax avoidance teams is disingenuous af. Your point would have been better made if they'd compared illegals to the middle class, you know, the ppl who carry the most tax burden.
Your claim was that they paid nothing. That was clearly false.

The average state/local tax burden for the middle class is 9.9%. So it is slightly more but approximately the same ballpark as the 8% that illegals pay.

Further, "don't tend to use many benefits"???!! :laff: Omg. You not serious. That's all I see coming in and out the transitional housing, they be WIC'd and EBT'd down to the socks, and who you think paying for all them babies and healthcare?? US, that's who: beleaguered middle class city residents who are holding on by their teeth.

Sorry, even if you don't like it it's a documented fact:


Most studies of benefits usage by individuals find that immigrants access benefits at or below the usage rate for native-born Americans. This includes studies that look at sets of benefits, including Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), SSI, and General Assistance, as well as Medicaid, CHIP, and SNAP. Research that looks at adults and children separately finds that non-citizen adults and children are less likely to use Medicaid, CHIP, and SNAP than native-born adults and citizen children, respectively. These same studies find that per-beneficiary expenditures for benefits like Medicaid, CHIP, and SNAP are also lower for immigrants than for natives.

So I demonstrated quite decisively that they do pay into those programs AND use them at a lower rate than citizens. You've ingested too many racist right-wing talking points on this one.

:beli: Yes bc Canada and Mexico are much more convenient than Ohio. Stop.
No, what was more convenient would have been the entire country banning slavery, which I already pointed out to you was the majority public sentiment as early as 1804.

Just check yourself for a moment - you're actually :cape:for state's rights on the slavery argument. :dahell: