There's a lot of women who make more than the husband and it works. You just can't be a bummy dude making $35,000. Established men already have a house, cars, and savings, so they're well ahead of the game.
College graduates with good degrees are making money. I know several of my guys with CM degrees that started off making $70k. My coworkers son started off with $75k, graduated debt free.
You have a defeated mindset, I don't think there's anything we can agree on. You'll probably tell me to get a passport next huh?
Yes, and what does it take to start making real money? Time, experience, and age
You’re trying to advocate for dating a woman 10+ years your junior AND your financial equal or better??
And nah ngga I’m not gonna tell you to get a passport let’s start small first you need to get a clue