Who said they were ever seperate?
Quantum = Entanglement. What happens here, happens there. Friends.
What I say "resonates" with you and changes you "vibration". Atoms
Fractals = as above so below. Life is a pattern that grows exponentially within and from itself. Family.
The Mayan Calendar, as with astrology, is like the cosmic, energetic weather. We are all atoms and energy signatures (Mayan Calendar)
with everyday life? We're talking right now right? This changes your perception of reality, connects some dots, and gives you some order in the perceived chaos of life. You will see signs or coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. Wether you believe this now or not, the idea is in your head. You will argue against it for some time. But when you start denying these things, ask yourself why they are happening at all. And if you didn't have this conversation would it have happened? Then you will see how it was never your choice in the first place.
The further down or up you go the more basic the elements of life becomes. You are the complete whole, not your blood, your DNA or anything else that constitutes the whole of a thing, you are the "thing" that makes up DNA or makes up hydrogen or make up oxygen or water ad infinium. There is no further need to look anywhere else.
Have you thought maybe the stars in the sky aligned themselves in such a way to simply mock you, laughing at your awe and amazement of gaseous stars and untravable similar earths.
Sirius is probably looking down at the earths inhabitants like
You're trying to extract meaning from something other than it's inherrent nature. Enjoy the stars for what they are, twinkling lights in the night sky.