yeah single parent homes, dead beat dads running away from responsibility, and lying to the congregation to save face isn't a problem in our society. The same shyt he condemns others for, he is guilty of. At least Malcolm changed from his wicked ways and repented. Your ring leader lied and continued denying it because he knew the money will start running out if women & men in the congregation found out he was a hypocrite and don't follow his own teachings. I see why the NOI aint shyt now cuz the leader wasn't shyt and the congregation doesn't even respect the women in it, just like its leader.
Then after Malcolm exposed his sinful ass, he had the nerve to have him killed. And this is the religion yall follow?

"Honerable Ellijah Muhammah" my ass. He was a pedophile skeeting in 16 and 17 year olds and throwing them in the bushes. Damn i guess you brothers really don't give a shyt about your mom/sisters if yall willing to let young teenage girls get molested by old men just because of his position. Yall really don't care about whats right and whats wrong, yall just want to suck off yall leader
Treating women (in your own congregation) with respect and not looking at them as some "hoes in the click" makes me soft? Damn yall all the way fukked up in the head.