

May 1, 2012
This nikka referred to the sisters, mothers, and grandmothers of NOI as "side p*ssy". I wonder how many leaders/NOI members feel the same as you. Only men get respect it seems and the women are the "whores of the click". Sisters get out of that madness, they put y'all on the same level as hoes in the club.
If they're feeding black people providing jobs and enlightenment what you're saYing doesn't matter.

That's an issue much easier to rectify then poverty :ld:


Jun 4, 2012
This nikka referred to the sisters, mothers, and grandmothers of NOI as "side p*ssy". I wonder how many leaders/NOI members feel the same as you. Only men get respect it seems and the women are the "whores of the click". Sisters get out of that madness, they put y'all on the same level as hoes in the club.

Look at how feminized and emasculated the Hebrew Isrealites have become:snoop:

You fakkits need to regroup and pull it together. :ufdup: Pure hate is Exactly what you guys are known for and that Hate is Mainly directed towards, Africans, african americans, and black groups :dwillhuh:

See this is the type of reason that we had to
rough up a few BHI's before in real life. They just wouldn't stop then one Got very brolic and thought a suit couldn't defeat a Power Ranger outfit. ... .. Im not gonna get into the whole story, I told it on sohh and i'm not gonna mess up this positive thread.......... BUT

There is no group that shows more respect towards black women. Have you met sisters in the NOI:ld:? They are respected and they respect themselves. even sisters who grew up in the noi that are no longer Muslim........... you can tell the respect.

For every NOI leader that supposedly hit some chicks - there are thousands who were righteous in that aspect. nobody is perfect, besides God. Thats what the belief is.

All this Gossip shyt that the BHI stay on is very feminine and not healthy for black people......... it's the same as the church, nothing but shyt talking and gossip.

Same nikkas talking about taking some black and white women as sex slaves in the future:heh: ---- trying to lecture about the respect of women in the Group that damn near put black women's respect on the American Map, behind the moors.


Nov 25, 2014
If they're feeding black people providing jobs and enlightenment what you're saYing doesn't matter.

That's an issue much easier to rectify then poverty :ld:

yeah single parent homes, dead beat dads running away from responsibility, and lying to the congregation to save face isn't a problem in our society. The same shyt he condemns others for, he is guilty of. At least Malcolm changed from his wicked ways and repented. Your ring leader lied and continued denying it because he knew the money will start running out if women & men in the congregation found out he was a hypocrite and don't follow his own teachings. I see why the NOI aint shyt now cuz the leader wasn't shyt and the congregation doesn't even respect the women in it, just like its leader.

Then after Malcolm exposed his sinful ass, he had the nerve to have him killed. And this is the religion yall follow? :mjlol: "Honerable Ellijah Muhammah" my ass. He was a pedophile skeeting in 16 and 17 year olds and throwing them in the bushes. Damn i guess you brothers really don't give a shyt about your mom/sisters if yall willing to let young teenage girls get molested by old men just because of his position. Yall really don't care about whats right and whats wrong, yall just want to suck off yall leader :scust:

Look at how feminized and emasculated the Hebrew Isrealites have become:snoop:

Treating women (in your own congregation) with respect and not looking at them as some "hoes in the click" makes me soft? Damn yall all the way fukked up in the head.
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May 1, 2012
yeah single parent homes, dead beat dads running away from responsibility, and lying to the congregation to save face isn't a problem in our society. The same shyt he condemns others for, he is guilty of. At least Malcolm changed from his wicked ways and repented. Your ring leader lied and continued denying it because he knew the money will start running out if women & men in the congregation found out he was a hypocrite and don't follow his own teachings. I see why the NOI aint shyt now cuz the leader wasn't shyt and the congregation doesn't even respect the women in it, just like its leader.

Then after Malcolm exposed his sinful ass, he had the nerve to have him killed. And this is the religion yall follow? :mjlol: "Honerable Ellijah Muhammah" my ass. He was a pedophile skeeting in 16 and 17 year olds and throwing them in the bushes. Damn i guess you brothers really don't give a shyt about your mom/sisters if yall willing to let young teenage girls get molested by old men just because of his position. Yall really don't care about whats right and whats wrong, yall just want to suck off yall leader :scust:

Treating women (in your own congregation) with respect and not looking at them as some "hoes in the click" makes me soft? Damn yall all the way fukked up in the head.

Every man under a microscope looks like a fool. Its easy for you to talk shyt because we don't know your history and secrets.

I'm looking at it on a scale and the good outweighs the bad by large margin. You want the man to be god but every man with power is still just a man.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Someone school me on this Son of Man cat and New NOI, i saw him in a debate when NOI went at Gino Jennings or whatever his name is


Nov 25, 2014
Every man under a microscope looks like a fool. Its easy for you to talk shyt because we don't know your history and secrets.

I'm looking at it on a scale and the good outweighs the bad by large margin. You want the man to be god but every man with power is still just a man.

I don't want the man to be GOD. I want the man to be honest and quit destroying the women in the flock by molesting children & sleeping around with women thats coming to him for guidance. He's taking advantage of weaker people that look up to him and expect him to show them the way. Malcolm didn't have that same problem. :ehh: What the hell does a "microscope" gotta do with a senior citizen molesting 16 year girls in a religious setting? If a baptist preacher would have got called out for the same shyt, nikkas would be on his ass for that demonic activity, but since its the "HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMAD" we not going to speak against it. Its one thing to act like you don't see it, but y'all acknowledge it and even say "nothing is wrong" even though our own book condemns sleeping around with women that's not your wife and molesting children. That's how i know y'all are worshiping man, rather than obeying GOD. GOD commands you to condemn that act, and yall saying "nothing is wrong".Thanks for the quick responses though. Im pretty sure yall just fukked yourselves and showed the entire world the NOI's are hypocrites and will stand by flesh and blood even if that person is going directly against the word of GOD. Yall orgnazation was never about GOD. Its about worshiping FARED, ELIJAH, and Farrakhan aka the 3 high yella amigos.
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May 1, 2012
I don't want the man to be GOD. I want the man to be honest and quit destroying the women in the flock by molesting children & sleeping around with women thats coming to him for guidance. He's taking advantage of weaker people that look up to him and expect him to show them the way. Malcolm didn't have that same problem. :ehh:
Yea Malcom left all his victims in the past. :mjlol:
Apr 3, 2014
yeah single parent homes, dead beat dads running away from responsibility, and lying to the congregation to save face isn't a problem in our society. The same shyt he condemns others for, he is guilty of. At least Malcolm changed from his wicked ways and repented. Your ring leader lied and continued denying it because he knew the money will start running out if women & men in the congregation found out he was a hypocrite and don't follow his own teachings. I see why the NOI aint shyt now cuz the leader wasn't shyt and the congregation doesn't even respect the women in it, just like its leader.

Then after Malcolm exposed his sinful ass, he had the nerve to have him killed. And this is the religion yall follow? :mjlol: "Honerable Ellijah Muhammah" my ass. He was a pedophile skeeting in 16 and 17 year olds and throwing them in the bushes. Damn i guess you brothers really don't give a shyt about your mom/sisters if yall willing to let young teenage girls get molested by old men just because of his position. Yall really don't care about whats right and whats wrong, yall just want to suck off yall leader :scust:

Treating women (in your own congregation) with respect and not looking at them as some "hoes in the click" makes me soft? Damn yall all the way fukked up in the head.

neg pending.


Mar 1, 2013
Oakland, Ca
I'm not NOI but I have nothing but respect for Elijah Muhammad and how redefined a people and taught independence in our communities. Incredible. Regardless of religion, imagine what black unity can achieve with this level of commitment. And we are far more powerful economically in modern times than we were back then