Bauer the Gawd came thru and Snoop Dogg the building

Scaling the walls like Peter Parker

Tossing/Slamming the child on the hard concrete

Diverting a drone about to wipeout half of London into the river

Elevating the hard-on-hoes movement to the next decree

Throwing LadyDroneStarks with precision into the pavement bushes

A throne is not good enough for Jack
at this point all the terrorists should be teaching "jack bauer" to new recruits. as in...
if u see this man. if u even hear the words "jack", "bauer", or "c-t-u", stop whatever u are doing and

then pray he doesnt find ur body before the brain stops operating.
u will want to run. u will want to fight. u will want to strap a bomb to urself, find this man, scream "infidel" and send him to allah. these are noble ideals.
these are also futile.
this man is jack bauer. he will find you. and he will kill you.
but first...

first, he will make u sing like a gospel choir.
u will tell him our plans. u will draw him pictures of our leader. u will tell him u still wet the bed, and that u secretly enjoy watching taylor swift videos (i am looking at u, recruit 7452). u will tell him these things because THIS man will tapdance on ur soul until u do. and then he will send u to eternity anyway.
he is not a normal man. he is not bound by human convention. he is a man made of metal and anger and sorrow and unchained fury. he will destroy us... by destroying u.
never forget what we have shown u today. it will not save ur life. but it will save the lives of everyone else in this room... possibly.