23.5 Million Women Live Alone In America


Feb 16, 2017
Theres no L to hold.:mjtf: Marriage isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially for women, so they are smart to exercise caution towards the institution instead of caving into societal pressure. Pressure we can even see being applied in this thread and every thread we have about marriage or single women Lol!

Dudes legit lose their absolute shyt if a woman even mentions enjoying the single life. She ain’t even gotta be bashing men. Just the idea of a woman enjoying being single makes some dudes go full retard. WHY?!:dahell:

Chicks aren’t even saying it CAN’T benefit women, but acting like it’s should be the be all end all for women when many are clearly suffering in them is irresponsible.

Marriage these days is a crap shoot and does absolutely nothing to guarantee anything for a woman especially as more women increasingly become breadwinners, but it can come with a LOT of stress and not even the guarantee of protection and provision. Meanwhile, if a chick does decide to pump brakes, you’d think as much as some of these dudes allegedly hate on women, they’d be happy that a lot are beginning to think more critically about it instead of just wanting to get with somebody just to say you got somebody.

But that’s not the case. Which is baffling. These dudes literally complain all damn day long about women.
We evil. Bitter. Single. Conviving. Trying to pressure men into marriage. Lying. Don’t wanna be friends with em. Fukk these hoes. Not marriage material. Aggravating. #GMB. Don’t do it, reconsider. Ole ball and chain. Child support!

But as soon as a chick agrees and says “Yeah guys, I ain’t that eager to get married either!”:queen:
Same idiots get overly sensitive, and legit hurt on some

“Y-you can’t get happy without me!!!”
“Y-YOU LYING! You not having fun!”
“Y-you betta hurry up or u gon die alone!”
There’s gotta be a better way to have a more mature discussion about the benefits and disadvantages of marriage for women instead of dudes literally getting ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way in their feelings to insult single women in a flawed attempt to scare or shame them down an aisle that many men themselves are allegedly and loudly against.:deadrose:

Ole “I can not like carrots but you lying if you don’t like em” head asses.
I love men but sometimes, ya’ll be trippin. Hard.

The only problem is that literally doesn't make sense. I get it you're on a heavily dude message board but literally on every women focused platform especially the Black ones the main point of contention is the long term non committal boyfriend.

You think if a man could literally only be on the hook for dates and the occasional gift that most men wouldn't take that deal? As it stands most women will come through and clean up and cook for her dude anyway. It's usually the women that are trying to stay over then hit you with the "lets move in together" shyt.

I think with the recession that coming there's gonna be a ton of divorces and way more marriages that never happen, Where living in a post marriage society as it is.
Are you sure you're not talking about you're personal beliefs about marriage or do you really think chicks ain't trying to get hitched like that. If you think the benefits are negilible for women what do you think it is for men?


Feb 12, 2015

Just something I’m thinking about but do you think the reverse happens with women. Like if I were to go to Lipstick Alley, would there be a bunch of chicks talking about how marriage was oppressive, only to flip the script if a man agreed and asserted he also didn’t want to be married?

This is some pretty funny shyt when u really think about it.


Feb 16, 2017
Yeah I’ll look over his post again later when I get back, but a lot made no sense. One of the leading stressors for women is the fact that even as women are increasingly becoming breadwinners, they are still also in the hook for majority of work in the homes as well.

“Some studies suggest that women have almost three times the workload of their husbands. Interestingly, these proportions stay about the same, regardless of whether a wife has a full-time job, and whether or not her husband is currently working.”
Who’s Cleaning the House?

“According to the United Nations, "Despite their increasing presence in public life, women continue to do 2.6 times the unpaid care and domestic work that men do."
The Difference Between a Happy Marriage and Miserable One: Chores

In fact, divorces among older women indicate that it’s worse in retirement b/c they feel they still never get a break from having to care for a man. It impacts their mental and physical health a lot.

But you can’t even discuss it without hackles being raised.:mjlol:
Here’s an article that was fascinating.
Only Happy Marriage Is Healthy for Women

There’s a LARGE body of research that has been done for decades detailing the health risks or decreased benefits of marriage for women.
https://clarkrelationshiplab.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/Why do men benefit more from marriage than do women_ Thinking more broadly about interpersonal processes that occur within and outside of marriage.pdf

Women Who Stay Single or Get Divorced Are Healthiest

The good news is that happy, satisfying, egalitarian marriages, are great for women. But ones where women are working, AND getting cheated on, and doing majority of the work at home and raising kids, actually contribute to the deterioration of women’s health. So being happy single is better than being unhappy in a relationship just to say you got somebody.

:yeshrug: If it’s right, it’s great. Otherwise it’s not worth it.
Who tells women to clean up behind some man? Most women especially unmarried ones just do it. I really really really think men are ok with just dating and leaving it at that.

I agree that it's kinda foul to expect a woman to work then come home an clean up, But women generally accept gender roles, They don't do yardwork and take out the trash.

And even if we accepted that that's a catalyst for divorce? Why not tell that nikka to was the dishes everyonce in a while?


Feb 16, 2017

Just something I’m thinking about but do you think the reverse happens with women. Like if I were to go to Lipstick Alley, would there be a bunch of chicks talking about how marriage was oppressive, only to flip the script if a man agreed and asserted he also didn’t want to be married?

This is some pretty funny shyt when u really think about it.

Absolutely That would be the case


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
I don't understand how someone can be miserable raising their own child. Did she not discipline him? I can understand being frustrated, struggling a bit financially, but as a single mother there is an abundance of resources available to her. If the father is completely absent and she has no family, she can find mentors or try some form of therapy.

With that said, as long as two people are on the same page, partnerships can be beautiful. Being single is better than being stressed.

Nah, it happens. I have a friend who actually cried about this a couple of months ago. She has an 11 year old boy, and she’s been having a hard time with him. And she really wants a man to lift some of that burden off her because the father is not involved at all. Her son has been having discipline issues, dealing with bullies at school, failing classes despite getting him a tutor. And she’s heard him crying at night. It’s a rough situation because she knows he wishes his dad was in his life. Resources can’t replace that, therapy won’t replace his desire to have a father either. I saw it myself with my brother’s son because my brother is deadbeat. Boys will start acting up right at the start of puberty and through their teenage years. Of course girls will too. But she recognizes that her son needs a father.

And she has a couple of good dudes she could be with but she’s not attracted to them. The men that she wants to be with don’t want to commit to her. It’s definitely her fault based on what know about her, but that’s another discussion.

It’s a big frustration for a lot of women I know—they don’t necessarily want to be single but would rather be single than to date men they don’t want to be with.


Feb 16, 2017
Nah, it happens. I have a friend who actually cried about this a couple of months ago. She has an 11 year old boy, and she’s been having a hard time with him. And she really wants a man to lift some of that burden off her because the father is not involved at all. Her son has been having discipline issues, dealing with bullies at school, failing classes despite getting him a tutor. And she’s heard him crying at night. It’s a rough situation because she knows he wishes his dad was in his life. Resources can’t replace that, therapy won’t replace his desire to have a father either. I saw it myself with my brothers son because my brother is deadbeat. Boys will start acting up right at the start of puberty and through their teenage years. Of course girls will too.

That being said she has a couple of good dudes she could be with but she’s not attracted to them. The men that she wants to be with don’t want to commit to her. It’s a big frustration for a lot of women I know—they don’t necessarily want to be single but would rather be single than to date men they don’t want to be with.

See that's the problem with women. tell her to WHIP THAT BOY"S ASS!!!! As far as the bully situation tell him I'll beat your ass if you don't beat the bully.

Problem solved.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
See that's the problem with women. tell her to WHIP THAT BOY"S ASS!!!! As far as the bully situation tell him I'll beat your ass if you don't beat the bully.

Problem solved.
You sound like my son’s father. Unfortunately easier said than done. He keeps things from her and won’t tell her everything happening. She can’t get him to open up these days. Plus the bullying isn’t the only issue. And at 11, in fifth grade, he’s too old for whipping imo.


Jun 23, 2012
Nah, it happens. I have a friend who actually cried about this a couple of months ago. She has an 11 year old boy, and she’s been having a hard time with him. And she really wants a man to lift some of that burden off her because the father is not involved at all. Her son has been having discipline issues, dealing with bullies at school, failing classes despite getting him a tutor. And she’s heard him crying at night. It’s a rough situation because she knows he wishes his dad was in his life. Resources can’t replace that, therapy won’t replace his desire to have a father either. I saw it myself with my brothers son because my brother is deadbeat. Boys will start acting up right at the start of puberty and through their teenage years. Of course girls will too.

That being said she has a couple of good dudes she could be with but she’s not attracted to them. The men that she wants to be with don’t want to commit to her. It’s a big frustration for a lot of women I know—they don’t necessarily want to be single but would rather be single than to date men they don’t want to be with.

It sounds like mentor ship will be a good option. A program like big brothers and sisters or even sports or martial arts. I don't think the goal is to replace the feeling of not having a father, but manage the feelings and the reactions to them. There is nothing wrong with being angry, frustrated, upset, confused or any other negative emotion, but it's not ok to punch something, yell at someone, be mean or whatever else. Him learning to control his emotions at a young age is going to carry him well into adulthood.