I have never met a married happy women
If you have a deep conversation you'll find this is true with most people, but with women there's more hidden sadness, men kinda have more of a hollowness. It's a woe is me mentality vs. it is what it is mentality. Men don't like how shyt is going but they deal, more or less quietly, because you don't wanna be called weak by other men as well as women. bytches be COMPLAINING at work, at school, EVERYWHERE. It's my only gripe with women just stfu, and quit deflecting accountability for self created Ls.
Nah, it happens. I have a friend who actually cried about this a couple of months ago. She has an 11 year old boy, and she’s been having a hard time with him. And she really wants a man to lift some of that burden off her because the father is not involved at all. Her son has been having discipline issues, dealing with bullies at school, failing classes despite getting him a tutor. And she’s heard him crying at night. It’s a rough situation because she knows he wishes his dad was in his life. Resources can’t replace that, therapy won’t replace his desire to have a father either. I saw it myself with my brother’s son because my brother is deadbeat. Boys will start acting up right at the start of puberty and through their teenage years. Of course girls will too. But she recognizes that her son needs a father. And she has a couple of good dudes she could be with but she’s not attracted to them. The men that she wants to be with don’t want to commit to her. It’s definitely her fault based on what know about her, but that’s another discussion.It’s a big frustration for a lot of women I know—they don’t necessarily want to be single but would rather be single than to date men they don’t want to be with.
This is why women/people are shytty, once I have a kid my happiness is no longer the most important thing, my kid's is, until they are an adult. If I was is that situation with a daughter, I'd take a chick with the aesthetics of 4-5 and bring her around my daughter if I thought she would positively impact my daughter's development, and get along with her, even if I don't feel her like that. (Assuming I couldn't pull a more attractive woman, that could have the same impact)
I've said it on this site before less than 25% of people should marry/have kids, because their just to stupid/selfish/short sided
It's already happening. Average dudes should focus on money, education, working out etc. Chase women when possible but don't focus 100% on that. Put yourself first....that's what men should do and then look for a quality mate.
This is the divergence I have with my OGs/older heads. I'm 21 and well on my way (2-3 years away from being an accountant) to being a whole ass man out here. In good shape, eating healthy, decent looks, savings, investments, and debt-free. I had to forgo a ton of fun to be in this position. I push past many trials and tribulations alone on this path. So after I emerge on the other end of the tunnel no woman will be worth it. To use colloquialisms, these bytches weren't in the gym shooting with me before I made league. If I need to be financially/aesthetically stable to a fixed degree before I exist to some women, they couldn't possibly love me for me. To quote Aubrey, she'd be in love with her perception of me, "in love with who I am" in terms of outward experience, but she wouldn't know the first thing about what it took for me to get there. In other words that means she's a gold digger to some degree (which women evolutionarily are). I watched my parents (immigrants), love each other through financial binds, and they got together when they had little. I realized a few months ago in contemporary America that is extremely rare, but that long with movies and media formed my notion of love. I'm a black and white type of guy (I recognize grey area exists and is necessary at times, but strive to minimize it to increase accountability). Due to this mindset if I can't have that love/marriage/family set up, I'm cool not interested and fully ready to die alone. I've set my clock for meeting someone at 25, because once I'm clocking that 6 figs range, I'll never trust any woman.
Anecdote: A year ago I was less cut physically, and didn't have a car. To quote the song below "bytches made me wanna roll over and die". But it's 2020 and I'm driving a luxury car, about to finish school, and start running it up financially, and women are friendlier in all facets of life. Fukk em.