No dapsI'm glad he was pressured into making this video because it solidifies exactly what he's failing at arguing against, the fact that he's a fukking hypocrite.

No dapsI'm glad he was pressured into making this video because it solidifies exactly what he's failing at arguing against, the fact that he's a fukking hypocrite.
Young savage why you crying so hard?
Why you whining on the internet like a broad?
Why you capping and a fraud?
Go dry those tears in your ten car garage.
He had no problem accepting the fame and money for the image he put out there. You’re totally right.Unless he starts rapping like a Native Tongue affiliate what he says on social media doesn't matter.
And before people come in here talking about "but the music isn't causing the violence"....that has nothing to do with anything. The message he's trying to convey here and what he's recording in the booth are literally polar opposites of each other.
That's the issue and why he's being called a hypocrite. Nobody is saying 21 Savage or street rap is single-handedly causing violence, people need to retire that rebuttal.
Im sure this nikka caught a few bodies before so it aint all capHe's basically saying his music is entertainment and shouldn't be taken literal, he's careful how he worded it because he doesn't wanna mess up his rap image.
This is the same argument that Eminem has been making for the entirety of his career