Avisible Man
S/N: 52093850
Joe "For Example" Biden
when Trump loses to this
He literally fixed it a second later. This ain't the example to use. Freudian slips happen.
Real talk. I don’t care wtf happens. BIDEN 2024Remember this thread and the others when Trump gets inaugurated..
It's amazing how the country has been running for the last 3 and a half yrs but now all of a sudden he can't function cause he misspoke and corrected himself seconds laterHe’s a sitting president that can’t function aside from like 6 hours of the day. What’s the media have to do with it?
If we want to rid the world of these terrorist scumbags, the liberals in this country need to sack up and realize we need a real leader, and for our leaders to unite with the strongest leaders around this world.
Get Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Marie Le Pen, and the fearless leader in my avi (Rodrigo Duterte) together, and the fight against terror will become stronger and more effective.
Duretre is already cleaning up the Philippines in a short period of time.
The French are a bunch of betas, and they need Marie Le Pen to lead them to have any chance of being a productive and safe country.
I'd rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me..
Trump, Le Pen, and Farage..
Nothing too surprising if Marcon wins as the French have always been known as cowards. If Le Pen doesn't win this election, and decides to run for the next election, she will win, but it will be too late for France by then as they are looking like Iraq right now.
They need to just send his surrogates out to handle this.The problem is these aren’t just simple stumbles. He SOUNDS old, haggard, incoherent and TIRED. He also sounds ILL, which is hella alarming
The foreign policy answer are