Oh this is Bernie wood. It all makes sense now.
Oh this is Bernie wood. It all makes sense now.
We can’t pass anything without the house right?a 4 U.S senate seat gain for the Dems? shyt getting spooky
Correct. If Dems lose the House, all the Dems can do on their own keeping the Senate is nominating judges and confirming executive branch nominees.We can’t pass anything without the house right?
Demings is campaiging hard in FL, raised 12 Mill recently. Polls havent shown much a close in the gap. Rubio will probably win comfortably. Hope PA, WI can flip blue and GA stays blue.
Im not sure they go hand in hand. The GOP wants Desantis in tip top form. As popular as can be, before the 2024 election. Little Marco's just a pawn for them. I mean obviously they wanna keep that senate seat, but I'm just saying that I don't think one has much to do with the other.If DeSantis wins his race, rubio will also wins. I don’t see people voting for DeSantis going against rubio.
Dems need to really step their messaging game up because this should be a slam dunk as far as what they're doing and what Trumpanzees want to do if they get the majority.
They can’t pass anything without the senateWe can’t pass anything without the house right?
Fools gold. Rubio will win big, DeSantis will win big. Won't stop some liberal group from trotting out a black influencer to claim democrats are ignoring a black woman candidate as she tries to win a senate seat but fukk it. I wouldn't put much of anything into Florida. The focus should be on holding GA and AZ, and taking PA and OH. Tim Ryan doing better than anyone expected, give him some help. WI would be the wild card I'd put a little money in and hope for some traction.