Outside of China tariffs, foreign policy is not a critical issue this cycle, I don’t know why this keeps coming up as a knock (not just on warren but any candidate who hasn’t dove deep here). This is very much a cycle where you can skate by on “talking points” and be fine:
Be tough but cut a deal with China
Russia = bad
Bring our troops home
Stop human rights abuses but don’t destabilize countries
Foreign policy - boom!
people are very concerned about what’s going on here, not abroad
You’re right voters don’t care much on foreign policy however...
POTUS controls the foreign policy. That’s something on Day one you mold together.
Israel Palestine has been at war forever, the average American doesn’t care. Saudi-Iran, another thing the average American doesn’t care about. It would have to be an all out regional “threat” to America for people to care. The last thing we cared about en masse was the Arab spring, and thats because it trailed the whole “war on terrorism”. We don’t care about the Middle East unless it directly affects America
Too many domestic things going on (inclusive of immigration) for people to care about foreign policy this cycle, people (white people) are more concerned with their war against brown people here.
Manufacturing/tariffs (really economy issues) are the only FP thing people care about right now. And the average dem/sane American simply wants a president who isn’t an embarrassment in the world stage and who won’t make deals with enemies
Israel is running an apartheid state and has a huge lobby in DC and crazy Christian zionists at its beck and call. Perhaps more Americans need to know what’s going on with our tax dollars.
And Trump’s withdrawal from the JCPOA has put the Middle East on the brink of all our war. The Iranians and their proxies weren’t doing these attacks or capturing vessels when Obama was there or even in Trump’s first year.
I wish the neocons and the liberal interventionists who got us into Iraq and other disasters never could get another job in DC again. But they never go. Arrogance is so rampant.