Lol @ Weld, he struck me as closer to the center?
I know some of them want water. bytch why are you taking trips? Get a wrench, some pipes, and take your ass to Flint.

Lol @ Weld, he struck me as closer to the center?
i foresee bernie winning iowa, new hampshire and nevada. then he barely loses south carolina and the democratic party screams from the top of their lungs "KAMALA WON ALL THE PRIMARIES, SHE IS THE NOMINEE, THERE CAN BE NO OTHER"If Bernie wins Iowa, he's for sure going to win NH, and at that point the momentum and fundraising numbers will have folks dropping out before SC and Super Tuesday even comes.
I know Bernie has committed to picking a woman VP and Biden has discussed the idea, but they might want to get Beto on the ticket if he consistently polls well in Texas. I mean do you guys realize how much of a death blow it would be to the Republican Party if they lost this state's 38 electoral votes?
Inslee seems legit and I appreciate the few politicians that take climate change seriously. But honestly, I'm starting to feel like there are just too many motherfukkers running.
I'm all for a competitive primary but there are so many people running on similar platforms that I have no idea who I'd vote for if the primary was today. And I don't think I'm that much less informed than a typical voter.
Hopefully the primaries don't devolve into pettiness due to the candidates being too similar.
Bernie stans need to move on to Yang Gang