Look at how wide of a net you cast. The key operator in that analysis is OR.Of the 57 incoming Democratic House members, 37 support “Medicare for all,” expanding Social Security, or another Medicare-policy option, according to an analysis by the Progressive Change Institute. That’s 65 percent of the incoming freshman class. Plus, a series of progressive ballot measures were passed in traditionally red states: Missouri and Arkansas approved a measure to raise the minimum wage; Louisiana passed criminal-justice reform; and Medicaid expansion was approved in Utah, Idaho, and Nebraska.
Expanding social security or another "Medicare policy option" isn't progressive.
Increasing minimum wage is standard fair for the Democratic platform.
Criminal justice reform is sweeping support across both parties.
And medicaid expansion is Obamacare.

You must have forgotten about the PUMAs and the various radical Hillary stans who shat on Obama+promised not to vote for him because he "stole" the nomination. Remember, Hillary "won" Michigan and Florida's primaries but they weren't counted because the states violated DNC rules by moving their vote election dates up. Obama and John Edwards didn't campaign in either state. Hillary did and won...then spent months acting like she was being sabotaged when everyone knew those states wouldn't count.
I did not. I just pointed to the data that showed despite that it was pretty even the expected voter carry over was the despite who won the candidacy. That is all.