
Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
@dtownreppin214 @LurkMoar

Biden came to the Black community in DFW like I said Bernie dumbass should've done with holding a town hall with Royce West at the Potter's House.

And now his dumbass minions wonder why he lost Texas. :mjlol:

But but he thought this fake Cowboy MexiCAC was going to win him Texas with just the Mexican vote. :laff::laff::laff::laff::laff:

Political malpractice breh. How you make this mistake two elections in a row is beyond me. Even Mayor Pete was able to clean his act up a bit in the last few months.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Opinion | The Bernie Sanders spoiler campaign begins
Dana Milbank
6-7 minutes
Let me be perfectly clear: Sen. Bernie Sanders has lost the Democratic presidential nomination.

Barring Joe Biden forgetting his own name or being made into a hamburger by anti-dairy activists, Sanders has no credible chance after another primary-night trouncing on Tuesday. What Sanders did in Burlington, Vt., on Wednesday, therefore, was not a continuation of his presidential campaign but the beginning of a new campaign: that of spoiler.

And so today, I begin a new feature: the Spoiler Watch. It will track the campaign of vanity and self-aggrandizement the once-idealistic Sanders candidacy has now become. Everything Sanders does from this point on — until he eventually (hopefully) throws his support to Biden — will be to the benefit of a grateful President Trump.

Trump won the presidency, in part, because disaffected Sanders voters never embraced Hillary Clinton after the Vermont independent’s scorched-earth campaign in the 2016 primary. Now, he’s poised to do it again. He must not be allowed to succeed.

Sanders, in his speech on Wednesday, began with the right tone: “Donald Trump is the most dangerous president in the modern history of our country and he must be defeated.”

Sanders then went on to focus on Biden, naming the Democrat 13 times (compared to four mentions of Trump).

“Joe, what are you going to do?” Sanders asked, over and over, announcing his intention to re-litigate in Sunday’s debate the same issues — health care, income inequality, climate change — that have been debated thoughtfully and thoroughly to date.

Sanders admitted that Tuesday “was obviously not a good night” and that “we are currently losing the delegate count” and the “electability” argument. But, as in 2016, he said people should focus on things other than delegates.

One in five children are struggling with hunger in S.C. Kia Jones, a North Charleston, S.C. bus driver, says she wants politicians to pay attention. (Joy Sharon Yi, Kate Woodsome/The Washington Post)

“Poll after poll, including exit polls, show that a strong majority of the American people support our progressive agenda,” he declared, and “we are winning the generational debate.”

Sanders returned to his old chestnut about a phantom Democratic “establishment” conspiring to deprive him of what is rightly his. “Today, I say to the Democratic establishment: In order to win in the future, you need to win the voters who represent the future” and not “simply be satisfied by winning the votes of people who are older.”

Thankfully, Sanders’s tone was not as caustic as it has been. But it takes a certain amount of chutzpah for a guy to cite polls when the polls that actually matter — primaries — have gone emphatically against him. It takes even more chutzpah for a guy who has held office for 40 years (30 in Congress) to pretend he’s not part of the political firmament. And it’s the pinnacle of chutzpah to suggest that he alone speaks for young people when there’s little evidence of the youth revolution he advertised.

To the extent turnout is up in the 2020 primaries over 2016, it seems to be to the advantage of Biden. While Sanders had momentum against Clinton in 2016, the momentum now belongs to the former vice president. Yes, Sanders has done better among young voters, but when you put the whole Democratic electorate together — young, old, black, white, brown, liberal, moderate, urban, suburban — Biden has come out the clear winner.

To overcome Biden’s delegate lead, The Post’s Philip Bump calculates, Sanders would need to beat Biden by an average of 12 percentage points in remaining contests. But Sanders trails Biden nationally by nearly 20 percentage points and by 40 points in Florida, which votes next week.

Sanders could have declared victory Wednesday and dropped out of the race. He has succeeded in pushing the Democratic Party to the left, and his differences with Biden are less about ends than means. As Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), a Sanders supporter, said this week: “Bernie Sanders won the idea primary.”

Yet Sanders, instead, extends the fight. Only ugliness this way lies.

There will be more of the suggestions from Sanders’s supporters that the gaffe-prone Biden is senile. There will be more conspiracy theories about the hidden hand of the establishment — not actual voters — powering Biden’s victory. And there will be more of what Elizabeth Warren called the “organized nastiness” from Sanders’s supporters.

In exit polls on Tuesday in Michigan, Missouri and Washington, 8 in 10 Sanders supporters said they would support the eventual nominee. If the goal is to beat Trump, Sanders should be persuading the two holdouts to support Biden, not encouraging bitterness among the eight.

Khanna and others who endorsed Sanders now risk being enablers of his spoiler campaign. They ought to remind him of the promise he made just last month: “If I, or anybody else, goes into the Democratic convention with a substantial plurality, I believe that individual, me or anybody else, should be the candidate of the Democratic Party.”

Excluding the unimaginable, Biden will be that candidate. Every day Sanders delays the party’s healing is a contribution-in-kind to Trump.

@wire28 @Th3G3ntleman @ezrathegreat @Jello Biafra @humble forever @Dameon Farrow @Piff Perkins @Pressure @johnedwarduado @Armchair Militant @panopticon @Tres Leches @ADevilYouKhow @dtownreppin214


In my own league.
Mar 25, 2014
Outer Space
I'm neither of that dumbass. :heh:

I'm never been a fan Yvette or Tone either. :heh:

I'm for Descendant of American Slaves and Descendant of American Slaves only. :heh:

Not that People of Color shyt that is pushed by the Bernie Bros. :heh:

We saw how that People of Color shyt worked since the 60's. :heh:

Those labels are used to erase us ADOS people.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
Ya see why Ayanna distanced herself from the squad? Everything AOC touches dies, Omar is problematic, Tlahib is a loose cannon.

Ayanna came up under John Kerry, established herself in the cutthroat Boston City Council, and has mainstream appeal. She has higher aspirations and made the right strategic move for her career creating some space between her and those three.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I'm neither of that dumbass. :heh:

I'm never been a fan Yvette or Tone either. :heh:

I'm for Descendant of American Slaves and Descendant of American Slaves only. :heh:

Not that People of Color shyt that is pushed by the Bernie Bros. :heh:

We saw how that People of Color shyt worked since the 60's. :heh:
Yes you are, you’re just too dumb to know. Every viewpoint you’ve clumsily attempted to articulate since you stumbled onto these threads a couple of weeks ago had been of the centrist variety. You’re just too stupid to even know what that means.

Anyway you got an ADOS avatar doing a 2 week victory lap over a segregationist sympathizer/prison industrial complex sympathizer winning. You’re really too confused and uninformed to be worth addressing. I’m embarrassed for you.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

Damn we got two indians and two cacs In here
Is this still higher learning? smh

Not sure who you’re referring to cause I have a lot of people in this thread on ignore.

But if it’s me, I’m half Black and half Indian. Never lived anywhere but America. Both parents from Caribbean/new world nations. Is there a problem?
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Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
No audience at the next debate :blessed:

about damn time.

Bernie fans will start aligning themselves with trump messaging again, saying the deep state introduced corona in order to beat him. Just watch

Biden wont be getting my vote in the general

If you're a true progressive its time to stand on principle. if another 4 years of trump is whats necessary to wake people up then so be it.

Lol, so I guess the conclusion of this is that your going to convince ppl to do a 180 on their policy beliefs and push through a white progressive?

I'll vote for Biden simply because he has a better loan forgiveness policy than Trump's. I'm on income based repayment but I've been reporting zero income:mjlit:. After 20 years that shyt is forgiven. Its imperative that it doesn't become taxable income. Biden's policy is for all that to be completely forgiven and not taxed :ehh:Lowkey that's a decent student loan plan.

Why post this?

“progressives” wrapped up in a nutshell. Most of you guys aren’t even aligned on stuff. That’s why I encourage white progressives and black ppl who believe in them to start their own party.

it would absolute chaos.

Most black ppl are against abortion, gay marriage, and for decades have been anti bussing.

black ppl (regrettably) also pushes through the crime bill. Which at the time was driven by older blacks who created communities that were being decimated. it was def wrong but older black ppl remember what the environment was at that time.

:patrice: Your obviously a trolling cac.
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Nov 26, 2016

Wow, she just cut an ad for Trump and gave the GOP and excuse to continue their voter suppression efforts.

On FOX NEWS, no less.

Nice one AOC.

fukking pathetic.

Stupid, stupid decision. If this was a deliberate decision, as a Bernie surrogate, I can only assume Bernie is in for the long haul , and is looking to fukk up another election. Lovely.

I am sure the alleged cases of "voter suppression" would have turned over the 16 percentage points Sanders lost by. :unimpressed:

This progressive wing of the Democratic party is sounding more and more like the tea party as the days go by.:manny:
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