Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
agreed, they peddle in 24/7 trump reports, they spend little to no time on real world events outside of him

that said, a lot of people on this board want him to win too on some "if i can't have it my way, then i don't want it any way at all".




All Star
Nov 17, 2016
But they are the reason why Liz hasn't endorsed Sanders :umad:

Nah, she didn't endorse Sanders because there is no political benefit to doing so at this point in the race - the progressive wing got crushed on Super Tuesday. It hurt her just as much as it hurt Bernie. There's also very little benefit to endorsing Biden as Biden doesn't need it to crush Bernie at this point.

Better she just stay in (she suspended her campaign, not ended it) just in case Bernie and Biden get heart attacks or something.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Didn't i tell yall this?

Sanders dodged ANY accountability for his plan that Warren did all the fukking work for. This is so infuriating. We were screaming this!

Why 'Medicare for All' wrecked Elizabeth Warren but not Bernie Sanders
Benjy SarlinBenjy Sarlin is a political reporter for NBC News.
8-10 minutes
WASHINGTON — Elizabeth Warren, whose presidential fortunes were on the upswing just months ago, is out of the race. She rose to the top of the field with strong debate performances, an anti-corruption message and a popular plan to tax the ultra-rich.

Then "Medicare for All" happened.

For months, the Massachusetts senator faced constant attacks over her embrace of Bernie Sanders’ single-payer health care plan, then further attacks after she released her own plans on how to pass, finance and implement it. Her campaign was dragged down and never fully recovered.

Meanwhile, the Vermont senator, who “wrote the damn bill” on Medicare For All while offering fewer details on how it would operate
, surged and is now in a two-way race with former Vice President Joe Biden.

Why did their fortunes diverge? It’s a question Warren supporters have been asking for months.

Many Democrats sympathetic to her campaign see a sexist double standard at play, in which a female candidate was expected to have all the answers while a man could skate by with broad talk of revolution.

“The fact that Warren paid a penalty for laying out the specifics of her Medicare for All plan and that Senator Sanders has never paid such a penalty is a sign of the challenges women face at this moment in politics,” Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, a progressive think tank, said.

But when it comes to Medicare for All, the two candidates also had different bases, different messages and different vulnerabilities, all of which might partially explain their different outcomes.

Both politicians are known as progressive icons, but Warren’s support was more concentrated among college-educated Democrats. Sanders continued to win over the youth vote while trying to build a broader coalition of blue-collar and anti-establishment voters demanding systemic change.

Sanders started with a loyal foundation of support from 2016 that he has never relinquished. Warren’s rise in the polls, by contrast, was slow and gradual as she sought to tamp down concerns about electability.

Warren branded herself as the “plans” candidate
early in 2019 and her campaign began to take off, led by her call for a wealth tax on “ultra-millionaires” that she estimated would raise trillions of dollars for new social spending programs.

The wealth tax was an instant hit, not just with the Sanders left, but with the upwardly mobile voters who would become her base. She promised to use the new revenue to fund benefits with clear appeal to upper middle-class and lower-income families alike, including student debt cancellation, free public college, universal child care and universal pre-Kindergarten.

“When you’re a progressive, you always have the centrists and pundits asking, ‘How will you pay for it?’ And she took that whole talking point off the table,” Rebecca Katz, a progressive Democratic strategist who supported Warren, said. “It was a policy that the majority of Americans could get behind, and then it allowed for all the big ideas that came after it, from student debt to universal child care, which were paid for by the wealth tax.”

In championing the wealth tax, Warren moved past Obama-era debates about raising income taxes on merely well-off families making over $250,000 a year, and instead started the threshold at fortunes of $50 million or more. Rather than pit the 99 percent versus the 1 percent, she called for uniting both against the 0.1 percent.

In doing so, Warren found an overarching message well-suited to the times. It turned out that the increased concentration of wealth in America both provided a juicy tax base and created resentment and economic anxiety even among “winners” in the economy, who still felt squeezed by the rising cost of living.

“The media narrative is that they’re affluent, but many suburban households are struggling with child care and college affordability,” Sean McElwee, co-founder of the progressive think tank Data For Progress, said. “She showed what an agenda that could really appeal to the suburbs looked like.”

Polling indeed suggested a wealth tax had real legs with voters not only outside the left, but outside the Democratic Party, which helped her gradually overcome initial voter concerns that she was a general election liability. Even a CNBC poll of millionaires found majority support for her plan.

Primary voters took notice and by September, a YouGov poll of Democratic voters found they considered Warren just as electable as Biden.

But her initial platform was also notable for what it was missing: a health care plan.

For months, she had refrained from offering a specific plan on health care, instead echoing rhetoric from candidates like Pete Buttigieg that there were “a lot of different pathways” to achieve Medicare for All’s goals.

It was only at the first Democratic debate in June, well into her rise, that she tied herself to the very specific approach envisioned by Sanders. “I’m with Bernie on Medicare for All,” she said after raising her hand to indicate she would abolish private insurance plans in favor of single-payer health care.

As the months wore on, however, it became clear Medicare for All didn’t fit the winning formula that underscored the rest of her platform.

Rather than simply taking from the ultra-rich, Medicare for All involved rerouting trillions of dollars in existing health care spending. Instead of handing voters a new benefit they didn't have before, it asked them to accept major changes to their existing health care based on more nuanced arguments, all of which were contested by rivals and industry groups.

This was especially problematic for Warren, because the college-educated voters most attracted to her wonky populism were also the voters most likely to have coverage through work. Polls show Americans are mostly satisfied with their work plans, even as they worry about the overall system.

Warren sought to rebut these concerns, arguing her plan would allow the government to negotiate lower prices from drug and hospital companies, reduce overhead from insurers, and provide relief to families worried about rising medical costs.

But she faced increased pressure from rivals and the press to explain how she would pay for and implement Medicare for All, which Sanders had not fully answered in his bill.

“Everyone else could have different plans," Katz said, "but she had to explain every single thing on every single plan because she was perceived as ‘The Candidate With Plans.’”

Warren tried to stick to her winning formula — tax hikes on the rich, benefits for everyone else — and released a plan with (arguably) no direct tax increases on the middle class. But the proposal was greeted with skepticism by critics not only to her right, but to her left, including Sanders himself.

This left Warren in a difficult spot. She had taken a risky position to win over voters on the left, but they remained attached to Sanders. Meanwhile, her competitors to the middle correctly guessed that her voters were easier to peel off than Sanders’ hardcore base, and relentlessly attacked her on the issue.

Facing bipartisan fire and more scrutiny in the press, Medicare for All grew less popular as voters learned more about its price tag and elimination of competing private plans.

The biggest damage to Warren on Medicare for All might not have been about policy details at all, however, but that the fight revived concerns about her electability among soft supporters. Majorities of Democratic primary voters still supported Medicare for All in exit polls, but they also are focused on beating Trump and Warren's decline suggested some were nervous about putting the issue front and center in a general election.

By late January, a Quinnipiac poll found that only 7 percent of Democratic voters considered Warren the most electable nominee, down from 21 percent at her October peak. For Sanders, whose longtime supporters were all-in on Medicare for All and unmoved by the new round of attacks, the number was 19 percent.

Warren supporters won't get to test their theory of how Warren would perform in a general election in 2020. But the lessons from her rise and fall might inform future candidates looking to push the party to the left.

“She added a lot of important ideas,” McElwee said.”Showing there are viable ways to do progressive taxation that people should not be afraid of is powerful.”

@wire28 @Th3G3ntleman @ezrathegreat @Jello Biafra @humble forever @Darth Nubian @Dameon Farrow @Piff Perkins @BigMoneyGrip @Pressure @johnedwarduado @Armchair Militant @panopticon @88m3 @Tres Leches @ADevilYouKhow @dtownreppin214 @A.R.$


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
No he isn't. Stop with the stupid

His budget is calling for cuts, but joe likely wont be able to effectively communicate that and the media certainly wont amplify it if he did. They'll continue with the disingenuous framing

Headline: "Trump blast Biden for social program cuts"

15th paragraph: trump attempted to cut these programs in his proposed budget



Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Trump will hammer Biden on Iraq and nafta and tpp etc

We can feel however we like, but that is certainly running to his left on those issues
welp, depends on how the states of MI, PA, OH, and WI feel...that point doesn't really matter outside of them, (IL and NY [upstate] will be blue no matter what]...does that electorate get riled up over Joe's vote 26 years ago or are they more concerned about the state of their states under Trump :ld:


May 18, 2012
Long Island,NY
The whole establishment is against Bernie including Warren :heh:

all this crying about foul play is disingenuous . Just call it what it is, corporate Democrats working together to freeze out the guy who wants to tax their overlords
At the end of the day people vote. If Bernie was so popular and people wanted revolution it wouldn’t matter what corporate dems did. Biden was broke didn’t campaign in states he won and washed Bernie. And we supposed to believe it was because of corporate dems.:mjlol:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
The Bernie supporters on social media make no sense with their Biden has no shot to beat Trump only Bernie does bs

how the fukk can that be true if Bernies getting curb stomped by Biden currently :gucci:
ahh, the unanswerable question :dead:

at least not that i've seen

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
The whole establishment is against Bernie including Warren :heh:

all this crying about foul play is disingenuous . Just call it what it is, corporate Democrats working together to freeze out the guy who wants to tax their overlords
i didnt vote for biden because some decrepit old democrats in washington DC told me to, and because CNN implied that i should. i voted for biden because i think he has the best chance of beating trump when i look at the country, and i'm not as far left as bernie

what is this bullshyt that "bernie lost to biden because we're all controlled by the "establishment" and "the media" :mjlol: the voters spoke and rejected bernie's agenda as unrealistic

and if bernie cant even beat the establishment in an election, how is he gonna get medicare for all past it? :laff:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Let's not sugar coat this. I will consider Bernie's campaign to be in the same category of Hillary's loss to Trump, if he loses this.
The decisions to not even bother seeking Clyburn's endorsement (Clyburn was always going to go with the most viable moderate but glad-handing him and showing some deference may have blunted Biden's margin of victory and weakened his case moving forward) and continuing with the descent into anti-establishment rhetoric and posturing instead of a unifying message coming out of his massive Nevada victory were fateful decisions, on par with Hillary not even bothering to campaign in the midwest in the general election. Just absolute political malpractice. A fukking shame. :mjcry:
Sep 15, 2012
At the end of the day people vote. If Bernie was so popular and people wanted revolution it wouldn’t matter what corporate dems did. Biden was broke didn’t campaign in states he won and washed Bernie. And we supposed to believe it was because of corporate dems.:mjlol:
Buttigieg dropped out , Klobuchar dropped out , Beto O’Rourke endorsed him all within 72,hours. It was a consolidated effort by the corporate dems to give him momentum. You guys keep ignoring those facts.
i didnt vote for biden because some decrepit old democrats in washington DC told me to, and because CNN implied that i should. i voted for biden because i think he has the best chance of beating trump when i look at the country, and i'm not as far left as bernie

what is this bullshyt that "bernie lost to biden because we're all controlled by the "establishment" and "the media" :mjlol: the voters spoke and rejected bernie's agenda as unrealistic

and if bernie cant even beat the establishment in an election, how is he gonna get medicare for all past it? :laff:
If it’s Biden he will lose to Trump and you’ll be ok :mjpls: .”cac” mamba