scott walker and jeb were leading the republican polls this time in 2015im pulling for biden because of these polls but hes so fukking old :jaysnoop:
think for yourself. no one likes a front runner
scott walker and jeb were leading the republican polls this time in 2015im pulling for biden because of these polls but hes so fukking old :jaysnoop:
i am thinking for myselfscott walker and jeb were leading the republican polls this time in 2015
think for yourself. no one likes a front runner
im actually voting for warren over bernie at this poi tpeople acting like bernie is done are delusional and i would vote warren if he bows out
exactly, he did it for the same EXACT reason biden is a threat to trump in 2016This dude is a fukking retard and every day make me question more and more why Obama brought this guy back into relevance after 2 failed presidential election campaigns. But then I have to remind myself Obama only did it for old white rust belt cred.
told youFran Lebowitz endorsed Elizabeth Warren tonight on Bill Maher's show. Warren would be rolling in the UWS/UES money if she allowed rich donors.
Fran Lebowitz endorsed Elizabeth Warren tonight on Bill Maher's show. Warren would be rolling in the UWS/UES money if she allowed rich donors.
I'm more Warren but I think people are overstating some of her more recent proposals. They are positions that most Democrats support, and she just puts a wonkish spin on it and says "I got a plan." It's brilliant marketing and helps control the news cycle, but the average person isn't reading those things nor is it really a distinguishing point. As for the people saying Sanders is out, you sound nuts. He is still more popular than anyone running outside of Biden. And he will have the money to run forever. Last, there is a strong contingent of people who are supporting Warren just to dilute the vote that Sanders got and will get so that we then have to rally around a moderate. I want Liz to win for her own sake, but a lot of people are transparent. You don't go from strongly for Hillary and excited about her to strongly actually voting for warren over bernie at this poi ther campaign is much more articulate
bernie needs to start cleaning it up a little. he looks like shyt in these town hallsI'm more Warren but I think people are overstating some of her more recent proposals. They are positions that most Democrats support, and she just puts a wonkish spin on it and says "I got a plan." It's brilliant marketing and helps control the news cycle, but the average person isn't reading those things nor is it really a distinguishing point. As for the people saying Sanders is out, you sound nuts. He is still more popular than anyone running outside of Biden. And he will have the money to run forever. Last, there is a strong contingent of people who are supporting Warren just to dilute the vote that Sanders got and will get so that we then have to rally around a moderate. I want Liz to win for her own sake, but a lot of people are transparent. You don't go from strongly for Hillary and excited about her to strongly pro-Warren.
Bernie did well at the Fox News townhall. Other than that, he has always been average when taken off his stump speech. Also, he's gotten pretty aggressive questions. One could very easily come at Elizabeth Warren and be like, "You had the opportunity to run in 2016, and chose not to when the issues of today were just as important then. It appeared that you towed the party line. Who is to say that you won't tow the party line as president when many members of your party are clearly against what you're espousing?"bernie needs to start cleaning it up a little. he looks like shyt in these town halls![]()
I don't think it's fair to say Liz is rolling out standard Democrat proposals. She has the most transformative agenda in the entire Democratic field, and what's truly incredible about it is how she's taking broad, moral concepts and turning them into tangible, actionable plans. I've never seen anyone do that as well as she's doing it right now. Whether or not the average person is reading every sentence of her proposals is secondary to the fact that she's making them widely available and channeling public sentiment/energy towards real, undiluted goals. She's not just hiding behind the soaring rhetoric, she's showing her work. She's bridging the divide between rhetoric and praxis. To say that she's just putting a wonkish spin on standard concepts and her campaign approach is mainly marketing-driven is wildly downplaying the importance of transparency and, like, actual policy. I can understand the impetus behind spurning intelligent and well thought out plans in the wake of neoliberalism's bloodless wonkery, but to then flip 180 degrees and castigate someone for being prepared and aggressive in the breadth and depth of their policy proposals is dumb.I'm more Warren but I think people are overstating some of her more recent proposals. They are positions that most Democrats support, and she just puts a wonkish spin on it and says "I got a plan." It's brilliant marketing and helps control the news cycle, but the average person isn't reading those things nor is it really a distinguishing point.
Bernie: Are you shocked to learn that there was anti-American sentiment?
NYT: My point was I wanted to know if you had heard that.
Bernie: I don’t remember, no. Of course there was anti-American sentiment there. This was a war being funded by the United States against the people of Nicaragua. People were being killed in that war.
NYT: Do you think if you had heard that directly, you would have stayed at the rally?
Bernie: I think Sydney, with all due respect, you don’t understand a word that I’m saying.