what a fall from graceYou've easily become a worse poster than @the cac mamba and nap.
Lookin more and more like a Warren Biden showdown with Harris waiting for an opening.
I wonder which way Bernie bros will go when he bows out.
If Obama backs Biden, I think you have a Hillary situation again, where its his to lose.I don't buy Biden lasting thru the early debates. He'll still be in the top 3 but I think he falls as it becomes clearer he has no platform and continues to say wild shyt. Then again if he performs well in the debates that could change.
Wouldn't count out Beto. I've been thinking about who will break out when these people get on a debate stage. It's going to be Beto and Pete benefitting imo. Iowa is going to go with a white guy, the only question is which one.
Harris is banking everything on Nevada and SC, which is a terrible idea. The media will obsess over Iowa. Then whoever wins NH (assuming it's not the person who won Iowa) will be the "comeback kid." Anyone who remembers 2008 should see this. If Harris doesn't win either, which she won't, I don't see how she magically takes NV, where Harry Reid could influence unions to back Biden.
If Obama backs Biden, I think you have a Hillary situation again, where its his to lose.
… and I think Warren will gain as candidates drop out.
The first debate will be very telling.
It isn't Beto's time yet, he's too centrist and reasonable for the current climate . When the DNC reigns in its progressive contingent he will be the guy.
A lot of you dudes really get caught up in chosen hot button issues by major media outlets for their breaking news topics. What is hot today is not guaranteed to be hot a year from now, a month from now, or even next week.The GOP just lost 2020 based on abortion. Forget healthcare at this point.
This dumbass was around for Obama's entire presidency.
Principles. If you don’t have core beliefs that can guide you, you will probably be led astray by anything.Fran Lebowitz endorsed Elizabeth Warren tonight on Bill Maher's show. Warren would be rolling in the UWS/UES money if she allowed rich donors.
A lot of you dudes really get caught up in chosen hot button issues by major media outlets for their breaking news topics. What is hot today is not guaranteed to be hot a year from now, a month from now, or even next week.
While what happened in Georgia is regressive bullshyt, unless something drastically changes during and up untill the election period, it will not be a game changer. Topics like healthcare, economic policies, and jobs are the topics that have lasting power and best to be banked on.
Get perspective. I wonder if this habit is a hold over from the Russian breaking news every week bullshyt from the last two years. It's not a good way to think about political strategy.