they're doing it AGAIN
they're doing it AGAIN

I’m not so sure NAFTA isn’t a primary pitfall. Remember Bernie upset Hillary in Michigan in the primary, defying the polls before Trump did it to her in the general. Biden supporting every international trade deal can’t be a good look in rust belt state primaries.Nearly everything you listed other than perhaps NAFTA are primary pitfalls. Let's be real, once it gets to a general election matchup between Biden vs Trump, we all know which side's going to be courting the racists and which side's going to have Obama/Michelle campaigning for them everywhere (let's also not forget he might get Harris or Abrams on the ticket as well). Trump cancels out Biden's suspect racial past every time he opens his mouth. The Iraq War vote rarely came up for Clinton during the general election, at least not as much as Benghazi. I don't think that's going to be a big issue in 2020.
But yeah, you bring up some legitimate issues for the primary. Let's see who on the left is going to step up and hold Biden accountable for all this dirt in his past. Part of the reason Hillary's favorability numbers stayed under water was because she had Bernie had her neck and the other side was calling for her to be locked up. I can't envision that type of vitriol being drummed up against Biden, I just can't. Even after Biden takes his licks in the primary, he's going to come out of it in a better position than Hillary did (favorability wise).
then is it safe to say that trump being in office isn't a bad thing? i mean with everything ive heard about trump on here, and how terrible it is to have him in office, i guess i assumed that the dem base will turn out for whoever the dem is in 2020I’m not so sure NAFTA isn’t a primary pitfall. Remember Bernie upset Hillary in Michigan in the primary, defying the polls before Trump did it to her in the general. Biden supporting every international trade deal can’t be a good look in rust belt state primaries.
Don’t see how his racial issues is canceled out by Trump. More likely than not, it’ll just suppress turnout and many people will vote for neither again. I don’t care how much he trots Obama out, I don’t see black people (especially young folks) in Detroit, Milwaukee, Cleveland, etc. that sat home for Hillary coming out to support one of the most prominent prison-industrial complex cheerleaders with a history racist gaffes.
i think the first paragraph is all factsNearly everything you listed other than perhaps NAFTA are primary pitfalls. Let's be real, once it gets to a general election matchup between Biden vs Trump, we all know which side's going to be courting the racists and which side's going to have Obama/Michelle campaigning for them everywhere (let's also not forget he might get Harris or Abrams on the ticket as well). Trump cancels out Biden's suspect racial past every time he opens his mouth. The Iraq War vote rarely came up for Clinton during the general election, at least not as much as Benghazi. I don't think that's going to be a big issue in 2020.
But yeah, you bring up some legitimate issues for the primary. Let's see who on the left is going to step up and hold Biden accountable for all this dirt in his past. Part of the reason Hillary's favorability numbers stayed under water was because she had Bernie had her neck and the other side was calling for her to be locked up. I can't envision that type of vitriol being drummed up against Biden, I just can't. Even after Biden takes his licks in the primary, he's going to come out of it in a better position than Hillary did (favorability wise).
then is it safe to say that trump being in office isn't a bad thing? i mean with everything ive heard about trump on here, and how terrible it is to have him in office, i guess i assumed that the dem base will turn out for whoever the dem is in 2020
power rankings are looking like
everyone else just save your money
yang as treasury secretary :jaylupe:Yang gonna end up being 5th.
warren as head of the bureau of indian affairs :jaylupe:
i'd put pete in there probably behind biden. i think he and warren are going to come off really well in the debates. warren just needs to learn how to shorten her answers. something about harris bothers me when she speaks publicly. it's like she's had too many glasses of wine or something, i can't put my finger on it.power rankings are looking like
everyone else just save your money