Yeah I'm seeing a bit of that too
But I trust that if Bernie is allowed to get into his bag on this, he will crush it. His sights are lined up, he just needs to take the shot. I'd love to see him give a big foreign policy speech or something.
we're all against war
iran with nukes is a problem
The saudis should not have nuclear weapons either.Im fully against war. But Iran having nukes would be chaos in that region.
So many groups would attempt to overthrow them just to get the nukes. When u talk about nukes in Iran, you have to factor In All combative entities in the region potentially getting those nukes. We can never let that happen
The saudis should not have nuclear weapons either.
Bro I see the sexism Kamala supporters were talking about though with this. he literally made it a crime to walk around new york while black.I mean y’all can openly shyt on moderates for so long. They’ll come out of the woodwork and do what they’ve always done.
warren at 11% yikes
lets hope so... they will be involved in this mess for sure.the us has a backdoor into controlling those nukes I believe.
the nukes themselves? maybe notthe us has a backdoor into controlling those nukes I believe.