Considering more Americans are materially worse off than they were in the First Gulf War (which ironically didn't lead to GWB's re-election in 1992) and the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars during W. Bush term, I think Bernie's message will resonate big time. Remember, 3/4 of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, half can't handle a $500 emergency, and healthcare is expensive AF and people are legit dying cause of that.
Breh, do you know that Bernie has received the most donations from people within the military during this election cycle? Yes, more than Trump.
Military Times has done polls and Trump's popularity is sinking within the armed forces. I work with a guy at my side job and he works in DOD right now, fought in the Gulf War, and he tells me some of the crazy shid happening right now and how people are getting low on morale. In his case, Army Corps of Engineers.