Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
I personally don't think any black person who's looked at Biden's history and is saying they'll vote for him is a strong Biden supporter. He's got the Hillary Clinton effect going for him. He's got history, and specifically history of policy that is meant to help black folks... But he, like other candidates (possibly all other candidates) show us attention because they know it's a grave mistake not to. Not because they think it's a top issue for their campaign.

I need you guys to parse through what you think you're reading and what I'm actually saying. Everyone knows the black vote is important. I'm saying I think Warren is one of the few who is taking the same extra steps she's taking with everything else, to get face time with black folks. She's not just making sure to take extra visits in South Carolina because three messed up and didn't do it last time (Bernie). She's going to black conferences that other candidates aren't attending...she's getting the only black member of the squad to endorse her... She's trying to do more than just talk. It just SEEMS more important with her is my take.

we’ll see that’s important to you, a black member of the squad. I assume you’re very progressive. You may think that has sway but outside of that progressive Twitter bubble, Bidens getting endorsements from way more black politicians throughout America.

Most black ppl don’t care about the squad members at all. But they do care about their local politicians and their opinions. Biden has way more endorsements from black politicians Joe Biden just delivered a show of force in a key early voting state

basically your whole post is a flat out lie :mjlol:. Y’all making stuff up :hhh:

Here's a full list of South Carolina endorsements released by the Biden campaign:

  • Commissioner Yolanda Anderson, Richland District One School Board
  • State Representative Jimmy Bales, Richland County
  • State Representative Robert Brown, Charleston County
  • Rev. Travien Capers, Zion Benevolent Baptist Church
  • State Representative Bill Clyburn, Aiken County
  • Former State Representative Ginger Crocker, Laurens County
  • Councilman Sam Davis, Columbia City Council
  • Former State Representative Jim Felder, Richland County
  • State Senator dikk Harpootlian, Richland County
  • Dr. Teresa Holmes, Richland District Two School Board
  • State Representative Joseph Jefferson, Berkeley County
  • Phyllis Lloyd-Harris , Kershaw County Democratic Chair
  • Former State Senator Joel Lourie, Richland County
  • State Representative David Mack, III, Charleston County
  • Councilman Jim Manning, Richland County Council
  • Jeanette McBride, Richland County Clerk of Court
  • Former State Representative Frank McBride, Richland County
  • Rev. Michael McClain
  • Former State Senator Tommy Moore, Aiken County
  • Rev. Johnny Ray Noble, Second Nazareth Baptist Church
  • Mayor Jerald Sanders, Mayor of Swansea
  • Former State Representative James Smith, Richland County.


Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
The young black vote is still up for grabs. I see either Warren or Sanders getting it. If the young black vote gets motivated, Biden is not a factor
The young, black vote are motivated.

we love our parents enough to push them too hard on their primary choice. I have posted that I hope my children don’t have any chill when it comes to critiquing their elders.

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
The young black vote is still up for grabs. I see either Warren or Sanders getting it. If the young black vote gets motivated, Biden is not a factor

man y’all need to start talking to folks outside of you super liberal college educated bubble. :snoop:

75% of young black ppl are not college educated. Your reality isn’t the reality of most young black ppl


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
we’ll see that’s important to you, a black member of the squad. I assume you’re very progressive. You may think that has sway but outside of that progressive Twitter bubble, Bidens getting endorsements from way more black politicians throughout America.

Most black ppl don’t care about the squad members at all. But they do care about their local politicians and their opinions. Biden has way more endorsements from black politicians Joe Biden just delivered a show of force in a key early voting state

basically your whole post is a flat out lie :mjlol:. Y’all making stuff up :hhh:

Here's a full list of South Carolina endorsements released by the Biden campaign:

  • Commissioner Yolanda Anderson, Richland District One School Board
  • State Representative Jimmy Bales, Richland County
  • State Representative Robert Brown, Charleston County
  • Rev. Travien Capers, Zion Benevolent Baptist Church
  • State Representative Bill Clyburn, Aiken County
  • Former State Representative Ginger Crocker, Laurens County
  • Councilman Sam Davis, Columbia City Council
  • Former State Representative Jim Felder, Richland County
  • State Senator dikk Harpootlian, Richland County
  • Dr. Teresa Holmes, Richland District Two School Board
  • State Representative Joseph Jefferson, Berkeley County
  • Phyllis Lloyd-Harris , Kershaw County Democratic Chair
  • Former State Senator Joel Lourie, Richland County
  • State Representative David Mack, III, Charleston County
  • Councilman Jim Manning, Richland County Council
  • Jeanette McBride, Richland County Clerk of Court
  • Former State Representative Frank McBride, Richland County
  • Rev. Michael McClain
  • Former State Senator Tommy Moore, Aiken County
  • Rev. Johnny Ray Noble, Second Nazareth Baptist Church
  • Mayor Jerald Sanders, Mayor of Swansea
  • Former State Representative James Smith, Richland County.

You didn't post nothing that shocks or surprises me but you have all the facts and I only have opinions. So you got it. You win the argument.

I stand by my point that I don't think Biden finds black issues important. I think his value of the black vote is that he knows he needs it. And as the big name candidate with the initial backing of the DNC, I don't think it's very hard for him to get endorsements in SC because he's had to do it before and he's the guy who was on Obama's ticket. It might be a case of he's already soured on me so I don't even care what he does to get the black vote.

Last note: Biden had the black vote from the moment he announced his candidacy... That's telling of something that I'm too uninformed to illustrate here.

John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
It’s time for Bernie to drop out n go enjoy his millions n his grandkids. He look OLD, sick n saying ANYTHING to please his base.


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
man y’all need to start talking to folks outside of you super liberal college educated bubble. :snoop:

75% of young black ppl are not college educated. Your reality isn’t the reality of most young black ppl
I try to push knowledge to my college uneducated brehs. I personally never graduated college so I'm not sure if I even qualify as"educated" or not :heh:


Apr 30, 2012
What else is new. I don't like Todd's personality, politics, or as political commentator and I'm sure there are a lot of more qualified people of color who could do his job. I don't know why Todd is where he is(I can assume white privilege and connections of course) , apparently he went GWU, I'm sure he's not a completely braindead. What are we going to do about it?
I never said he was dumb, and he has some practical experience but his ridiculous takes show the privilege of someone who had a show and then got to write books without any particular advanced study or qualifications. He got to learn on the job, which most POC don’t really get.
man y’all need to start talking to folks outside of you super liberal college educated bubble. :snoop:

75% of young black ppl are not college educated. Your reality isn’t the reality of most young black ppl
Sanders won young black people in 2016 and is leading among them right now. Warren and Biden flip back and forth for second. Didn’t matter because the majority of primary voters are older and professional black people. A large segment of the black primary voters in 2016 made like twice the median income of a black family. Sanders and Warren are just trying to avoid a blowout.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

This shyt is crazy. They know the more people learn about Young Bern the more they like him.

That’s why him winning IA and NH would be major. They’ll be forced to talk about him.
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Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Got you. You downplay why black ppl like Biden to name recognition and not bc warren had no black agenda until a few months.

that makes a lot of sense. Didn’t think about it like that :ehh:
lol @ talking "black ageda" and biden. let's examine his black agenda

The controversial 1994 crime law that Joe Biden helped write, explained

man y’all need to start talking to folks outside of you super liberal college educated bubble. :snoop:

75% of young black ppl are not college educated. Your reality isn’t the reality of most young black ppl
i straddle both sides, and i can say a lot of uneducated black young people i know (wont speak for all, just the pockets i deal with) aren't politically involved, especially not in primaries. there is a huge jump in level of engagement, interest in, and knowledge of politics when looking at the non college 25-40 yr old people i know vs college+. based on what i know and am seeing, short of another obama phenomenon, lesser educated young blacks will not play a big role in deciding the dem nominee.