Gar was on the radio saying they like their core, their plan is to keep Asik, they really value him.
Bulls will be irrelevant until 2013/14 Season.
And I think they'll let CJ walk and keep Lucas
lowkey... this is the worst ran organization in sports.
would you do noah for kevin martin? since houston is so desperate, maybe they would take asik for kevin martin
Hell nawl.
Gar was on the radio saying they like their core, their plan is to keep Asik, they really value him.
Bulls will be irrelevant until 2013/14 Season.
And I think they'll let CJ walk and keep Lucas
would you do noah for kevin martin? since houston is so desperate, maybe they would take asik for kevin martin
would you do noah for kevin martin? since houston is so desperate, maybe they would take asik for kevin martin
if the bulls let brewer and cj walk we are going to need more than teage and john lucas to keep the ship afloat
good thing deng wont need surgery but we need some legit pieces to go with this "core"
bulls might want to get off they azz to get those pieces to go with this "core" they value cause they blew they shot to tank the season last night at the draft.
why the hell they go pay boozer, noah and deng close to 50 mill to tank it?
Next year Bulls lookin' like this if everything goes their way...
@ letting Brewer walk. Who's going to defend bigger 2 guards?