Bulls get: D. Harris & Al Jeff (and probably a 2nd rd pick from Tor.)
Tor. gets: Boozer
Utah gets: Deng, Calderon, & Amir Johnson
I wonder if we could get Hayward from Utah
Hayward is probably untouchable.
And you guys were the one acting like the Kings rumor was a done deal. I told y'all it was ridiculous, you could probably get the 5 pick for Deng but Tyreke and Thomas? No way.
Al Jefferson and Noah together would be a horrible fit. Noah's lack of offensive game would hurt Jefferson's potential and clog up the paint.
If you did that trade, you'd have to move Noah.
they wanna move Booz for an upgrade but since his contract is an albatross we gotta package him with deng or noah
CJ's a free agent
Korver and Brewer have team option for next year and can be signed by teams for less than they're making. No team's gonna trade for Korver at 5M if they can sign him for 2.
None of those guys have enough value to make a team wanna take Boozer.
Lol at trading noah for a 14th and 16th pick lol draft ain't that deep fam. You don't totally dismantle a team that achieved the best record 2 years in a row unless its for sure fire upgrades. A few draft picks ain't sure fire. That plan is some sh1t the bobcats should do lol
And who was acting like the kings deal was a done deal? People give an opinion on a rumor and that's acting like its set in stone? A lot of these rumors be front office asst throwing ideas to the public to get some feedback on ideas.
Man losing Noah and Deng would hurt so badRose would be crushed brehs..
better than standing pat but we been screwed by the FA race twice not sure management would want to do it again unless it was a mega class circa 2010
exactly im not even in total disagreement with that plan houston posted but its first of all drastic considering you not breaking up a team who only struggled to make the playoffs, you breaking up a team that did achieve success under thibs, add on you leave a lot of open questions in that dismantling.
first off just because it comes from the draft dont mean its going to be helpful
secondly who are these mystery max level players we would sign with all that cap space? i mean realistic options who would seriously consider signing here. not some more guys who would rather be in new york, brooklyn or l.a
then if we strike out on these mystery max players we basically got a lottery team for the next 3-4 years.
naw ill pass on that plan. give me the plan that gives us some proven talent and we can work from there
i would take just about anything for boozer though.