I'm confused, has any source shown that the McMichaels(shooters) were even aware of the Larry English(owner of the construction site) incident? Because the police report do not indicate that their(McMichaels) reasoning was based on anything regarding that event(its not even clear if they even knew about it prior to the shooting). Instead, McMichael claimed he first came across Arbery while in his front yard. He explained that he saw a man "hauling ass" down the street who he recognized from a prior event/piece of footage he owned(?). And in said footage, he states Arbery had reached into his pants as if he had a gun on him. He and his father cite that as their explanation for why they went after Arbery armed.
In following, if I understand the law here, authority for a citizen arrest only exists when certain requirements have been met, such as the offense being committed in the presence of the arrestor. Thus, what offense did McMichael witness on the day of the shooting? If its the Larry English incident then why in the police report do they reference a different event as what motivated them?