Masturbation is natural. Fukkin monkeys jerk off. But like everything else in life MODERATION is the key.
Masturbating once a week ain't gonna hurt you. In fact it can be quite benefitial. And porn can be a good aide to releasing sexual tension when used in MODERATION.
Men just need to stop being such pussies and practice some will-power. If you can't watch porn and masturbate in moderation then that's a problem with YOU. It ain't a problem with porn or masturbation.
Monkeys in the wild and nature never masturbate. It isn’t until they are put in confinement, fed artificial food and put and taught unnatural conditions do monkeys engage in a self-humiliating activity like masturbation.
You sound young and naive. Masturbation has huge adverse negative effects on the male condition from physical growth, mental prowess and spiritual health. Masturbating once a week can never be good as it takes 2 weeks to recover from masturbation. Men, who masturbate constantly, especially those who engage in abuse, put themselves in self-mental imprisonment.
Men who experience this notion known as sexual tension are those who put themselves in a position of lust. If you control you lust, harness it and don’t allow it to overcome you than you will hardily experience this notion known as sexual tension. If you are ogling every single somewhat attractive women you see, than you are a slave to your lust, desires and create physical dependence.
Never ever masturbate or ever engage in sexual excess, any advice that's contrary to this is satanism.