Supreme Chancellor
What’s your secret!?Made it to two weeks again. Kicking the habit for good
What’s your secret!?Made it to two weeks again. Kicking the habit for good
Simply don't watch it. Better said than done, I know. Take it one day at a time, instead of making ambitious claims like 90 days, then failing within a weekWhat’s your secret!?
Damn, no homo, but the thing about me is I don’t even watch porn recreationally. Like no homo but let’s say I can go one day with our fapping, the next day I’ll be hard for like the whole day. Like I do it because if I don’t I’m just mad hard for the whole day. I don’t do it because I’m bored or anything, you know what I mean? And no homo x 1000Simply don't watch it. Better said than done, I know. Take it one day at a time, instead of making ambitious claims like 90 days, then failing within a week
When you enter "pornhub.com" into your address bar or enter jbo with the intent of seeing "piff", acknowledge that you have no control over your primal urges
Yes, no homo. You just gotta ignore it. Think of it as a nuisance or distraction, no homoDamn, no homo, but the thing about me is I don’t even watch porn recreationally. Like no homo but let’s say I can go one day with our fapping, the next day I’ll be hard for like the whole day. Like I do it because if I don’t I’m just mad hard for the whole day. I don’t do it because I’m bored or anything, you know what I mean? And no homo x 1000
I didn’t do it yesterday, and I just realized yesterday was July 1st. No better way to start no fap then the beginning of the month. Idk if should set my goal for 30 days or try and go a week?Yes, no homo. You just gotta ignore it. Think of it as a nuisance or distraction, no homo
Go for a weekI didn’t do it yesterday, and I just realized yesterday was July 1st. No better way to start no fap then the beginning of the month. Idk if should set my goal for 30 days or try and go a week?