2 of Amerika’s Most Wanted: The Official GOAT franchise Boss Angeles Lakers 2019-2020 season thread

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All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Expound on NYC being terrible brother.

Difference is nyc is quiet. These cacs got the city on hush. If u coming here for the city that never sleeps, buy a time machine first.

Downtown manhattan is finished at like 2am nowadays as far as the culture goes.

My nikka, I went to orlando and the nightlife was better.

If u wanna here good music in nyc, u gotta pay a 50 dollar cover. If u want to hear good music in the south, go outside. Nikkas is partying on the block. Try that in bk and the swat team finna pull up:dwillhuh:

I observe these cacs. They live without nuance. Party HERE. Work HERE. Sleep HERE.

They are the paragon of fragility. I remember being in college and sleeping thru nikkas pregame, waking up, and finishing assignments while they was pushing drinks and fukkery on me.

Nyc is no longer animal house for adults. They turnt that bytch into grade school. Millennial yuppies are hypochondriacs as a result of hypocritical boomers acting like they weren’t straight up dogs in the 80s and 90s.

New York is a great example of that. Yuppies call the cops for anything. If they hear a bump in the night, a noise complaint will be made.

I can see the bronx breaking the mold tho. They’re somewhat immune to the gentrification fukkery.

Prolly cause fordham is there and nikkas is more used to these uppity cacs. But it can go either way. Hipster cacs is tryna get a piece.


Sa Da Tay
Sep 9, 2015
I am comfortable and I love you
I came to the lakers last szn oh so humbly as a Bron stan:mjgrin:

But i think I fell in love. Y’all don’t get it. Not only are the knicks terrible, but so is nyc. :mjcry:

Y’all got such a classy organization and fan base. Even the broadcasters. So supportive. But as for the knicks, Mike Breen is such a front runner. U can tell Walt never got over being traded to Cleveland at the end n is still salty n bitter. :mjlol:

Stu is more of a coach than an announcer. He corrects and doesn’t complain. Bill is a straight up cheerleader, but maintains some objectivity. Y’all got somn goin on in LA. From what I hear, the city is a garbage can if u don’t have money, but it didn’t affect the team. Y’all don’t stay bad for long and over time I see why. :patrice:

I feel lucky to be born into a fam that has Laker stans going back to the 60's. Been a stan since I was a kid watching our late 90's teams, culminating in the first Shaq/Kobe chip. Remember nearly having a heart attack in the last game against the Jailblazers.

I will say I dig that you appreciate Bill and Stu. Billy Mac's style of commentary took a while to grow on me, nobody could really replace the chemistry Chick and stu had, but I do like to think our announcers are a bit more objective than others. I watch the local feeds of games sometimes on NBA TV and some of these announcers boy :francis:

It's been a rough decade, but overall, the GOAT franchise been good to me. :wow:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
If u in a city u like with a sports team u don’t care for, that’s different I guess.

DC got a vibrant black culture. Gentrification is ruining nyc. It’s a police state, although I heard dmv cops are terrible.

Difference is nyc is quiet. These cacs got the city on hush. If u coming here for the city that never sleeps, buy a time machine first.

Downtown manhattan is finished at like 2am nowadays as far as the culture goes.

My nikka, I went to orlando and the nightlife was better.

If u wanna here good music in nyc, u gotta pay a 50 dollar cover. If u want to hear good music in the south, go outside. Nikkas is partying on the block. Try that in bk and the swat team finna pull up:dwillhuh:

DC is going through all the same things. Gentrification is robbing the city of its culture and character. But that’s a discussion for another thread.

I think it’s safe to say GOAT franchise aka the gold standard aka the people’s choice got the streets on lock.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
What if the lakers break the warriors record dawg :mjlol:

nikkas have no prior chemistry. Just put a team together and ran thru the league:lolbron:

If the Lakers do that, and win a ring (highly likely), then the legacy of Golden State will be looked at as a suspect team.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
People are saying Lakers should have taken the game more seriously but it's a LONG season. Not just physically but mentally too. Hard to be at your best for 105 straight games. You hear about a team "peaking too early", that's not a physical issue, that's a mental issue. You can only concentrate at your absolute peak for so long before it takes a toll on you.

Let them have some fun occasionally, take things lightly. They were having fun for a night and STILL won. So long as they get back to the grind against Indiana that's a good thing.

And the issue wasn't those fun plays either. The issue was AD/Danny/KCP/Caruso/Bradley combining to shoot 0-17 from 3pt range. I mean holy shyt that's some bad shooting. Maybe it's just an off night but it seems this team really isn't hitting threes like they should.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Like another poster said we need to load manage him. Breh always goes in slumps in the playoffs

You see I know y'all are listening to me. :pachaha:

But it isn't always. Just the last two years he's slumped badly in the playoffs. Before that he had some epic playoff runs.

I don't know what load management is going to do for him. he's playing his least amount of mins since 2014. he's taking the easiest shots of his career. my theory is that he's not used to taking wide open shots like this every single time he shoots and he's psyching himself out. he's money when a defender is closing on him
I don't think lack of load management is the reason he's streaky now. Green is just a streaky shooter. Remember he started this season on a 5-game run where he went 15-30, had another 6-game stretch where he went 14-27. Even just recently from Utah to Orlando he went 11-24 (46%) over those four games. These streaks have been there his whole career.

My theory is he's a big-time rhythm shooter. When he's feeling in rhythm he hits. But when he's off, he's off. What's happening as he gets older is he's getting tired during the postseason, that fatigue is throwing him off his rhythm. THAT'S why he needs load management, so he can feel fully rested and on point for those postseason games.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Before I was thinking the Lakers really needed to decide which guards they needed to play so they had a set rotation for the postseason with two guys getting starter minutes. Now I'm not sure that's their best option. I was watching KCP out there getting deflections and making shyt happen on offense, and I was thinking....

What do y'all think about them going out there with a 5-guard rotation (Bradley, Green, Caruso, Rondo, KCP) and giving them ALL 20-odd minutes? When someone is playing well you can ride the hot hand, but otherwise you keep all five of them fresh, they can all give maximum energy on both sides of the court for every second that they're out there because they know they only gotta do it 20 minutes. And you reduce the risk of injury.

The thing I like about the idea is that it keeps the other team guessing. All five of those guys play completely different on offense, completely different on defense. You force the opposition to scout for all five, prepare for all five. You got Bradley hounding you for half the quarter then you gotta deal with KCP or Green's length the next half. Maybe if you dealt with Caruso's hustle D for an entire quarter you'd start to exploit him, but in five minute stretches it's annoying as hell. And you gotta scout offensive tendencies for 5 different guys instead of just 3-4. Reminds me of the shyt Dallas was doing in 2011 or the Spurs 2012-2014, where you have a legit 9-10 deep roster with everyone ready to contribute.

Maybe injuries or a trade will decide this, but now that Cook and Daniels seem to have taken their places on the end of the bench where they belong, I don't see anything wrong with playing the other five guys all the way through.
Apr 30, 2012
What if the lakers break the warriors record dawg :mjlol:

nikkas have no prior chemistry. Just put a team together and ran thru the league:lolbron:
When you have a squad predominately made up of vets, “prior chemistry” becomes less of a factor, especially since almost all of the players who’re new to this squad played similar roles on other teams, so they don’t really need to adapt, in a manner of speaking.

You’ve got a number of teams who’ve been together for a lot longer, yet aren’t as cohesive, cause they’re either not experienced enough to understand and play in a hierarchy, or they’re players who’re still developing their respective skillsets and finding their place in the league.

Long Live The Kane

Tyrant Titan
Apr 30, 2012
If u in a city u like with a sports team u don’t care for, that’s different I guess.

DC got a vibrant black culture. Gentrification is ruining nyc. It’s a police state, although I heard dmv cops are terrible.

Difference is nyc is quiet. These cacs got the city on hush. If u coming here for the city that never sleeps, buy a time machine first.

Downtown manhattan is finished at like 2am nowadays as far as the culture goes.

My nikka, I went to orlando and the nightlife was better.

If u wanna here good music in nyc, u gotta pay a 50 dollar cover. If u want to hear good music in the south, go outside. Nikkas is partying on the block. Try that in bk and the swat team finna pull up:dwillhuh:

the bolded hits home like a muhfukka...me and the homies go to wrestlemania every year the last 5 years or so...Orlando, Dallas, New Orleans, New York...stayed in downtown Manhattan...by FAR the wackest time outta all of them when it comes to partying and shyt...not to mention the events themselves were like literally 500% more expensive...will probably never go to NYC again for any kind of “destination event” (allstar game, music festival, etc)


Pass me the rock nikka
Mar 12, 2013
If u in a city u like with a sports team u don’t care for, that’s different I guess.

DC got a vibrant black culture. Gentrification is ruining nyc. It’s a police state, although I heard dmv cops are terrible.

Difference is nyc is quiet. These cacs got the city on hush. If u coming here for the city that never sleeps, buy a time machine first.

Downtown manhattan is finished at like 2am nowadays as far as the culture goes.

My nikka, I went to orlando and the nightlife

If u wanna here good music in nyc, u gotta pay a 50 dollar cover. If u want to hear good music in the south, go outside. Nikkas is partying on the block. Try that in bk and the swat team finna pull up:dwillhuh:
NYC isn’t done at 2 AM :mjlol:

And no block parties still happen. And the pumps be open with music blasting and mad people out on hot summer days.

The only thing I’ll say is NYC nightlife is expensive af.
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