1st Annual Memorial Day Purge

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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Wait. Is this how yall do business here?

15 years of quality posting, BANNED, over quotes with NO

Quotes where i told a white guy “u mad nilla”? Pretty sure that was in the VANILLA MIDGETS wrestling thread in TSC. I told a vanilla midget he mad nilla? Oh jeezus christ. Ban.

Or from the thread “EXPLAIN A TIME WHERE YOU shyt ON A WHITE PERSON” so I as a joke named a time i got it in with a black group. I thought considering the thread was FILLED with RACISM someone might find my addition misplaced humorous. Didnt do that again after it was thrown in my face 4 YEARS ago.

From a troll thread that spawned my singular warning i ever recieved by @Houston911 by the BIGGEST troll racists IRON CHIN WILDER and RIDEDOLO is where all this shyt cameFrom A troll thread that keeps getting copy n pasted 3 years later by dummies who dont even know what they talking about. I mean who cares about the other 9 years where nothing was said. Long as ONE troll can point out something its alllll good round heeerrre.

I can literally make a post. DISS WHITE PEOPLE for
Calling kanye a c00n. And ill hav posters quoting it in multiple threads days later telling me im defending trump for my post. We are on a text forum where READING IS NOT FUNDEMENTAL. Why would i wanna post somewhere you gotta talk in smileys or be misunderstood 24/7.

@Houston911 you wanan be fair. Look into zeb waltons reps and see all tye “die you cac fukk” “you smell lik dog”s i got. Im pretty sure ones there recently by the one @Kung Fu Henny... whos prolly IRONCHIN in tge first place. And ban all THOSE people. But i know you wont. Thats not what this is. Funny i actual put this bum kenny on my blocklist cause i was tryna to Minimize being baiter into a back n forth. And yall Come up with this brilliant idea.

OG TRIPPLE BLACK posters fukk with me. From SUGEKNIGHTjr to art barr to WACKY D TO King sun. Mods like Soulcontroller. CAUSE I CONTRIBUTE TO THE DISCUSSION. Even the posters i fight with fukk with me. Cuz i actually bring hip hop discussion to that cess pool known as the booth. Instead im dragged into the ladies room defending my name from KUNGFu Kenny who didnt even hav to post links to make it proof.

The fact that you @Houston911 gave me the singular warning i ever got only to never have to have that discussion again and then be banned for it 5 years later by the same guy.. wowwwwww

Why is the thread in the bushes in the first place. Why wasnt i banned 3 years ago? CUZ IT WASNT TRUE. Literally banned by IRONCHILWILDER deflection. Yall are genius.

I literally just got banned because of a troll thread i got my first warning in.. by the same mod who did both. Because of a troll poster showing pics of butchered white kids with black men standing over them in triumph like a Goof. I tell him hes a hoe. He spends 8 hours diggin thru 5 years of posts and cherry picks the best without links so i can be banned. Well done sir. You are on your e-game.

Sad shyt is people Know that but aint say nothing. I see yall. Musta dissed ya fav rapper or didnt have my top ten in order.

Shout outs to everyone ive had conversation with. If i really cared i wouldnt be making this post and try to hide in the forum. Yall prolly ban this too. Do what you gon do. I aint @ttn bkzson but if you cant put together theres a reason i been here since those quotes BEEN BUSHED idk how to explaon it to ya.

Someone hold down the wu threads for me yall gonna need it. Im returning to my bbq, yall can play on here today n everyday from here on out. Do what yall do best.


@AutoModerator @Houston911 alt account for already banned poster


Sa Da Tay
Sep 9, 2015
I am comfortable and I love you
Never thought I'd see the day, no games being played out here:wow:


Goodbye World

Oct 31, 2014
Wait. Is this how yall do business here?

15 years of quality posting, BANNED, over quotes with NO

Quotes where i told a white guy “u mad nilla”? Pretty sure that was in the VANILLA MIDGETS wrestling thread in TSC. I told a vanilla midget he mad nilla? Oh jeezus christ. Ban.

Or from the thread “EXPLAIN A TIME WHERE YOU shyt ON A WHITE PERSON” so I as a joke named a time i got it in with a black group. I thought considering the thread was FILLED with RACISM someone might find my addition misplaced humorous. Didnt do that again after it was thrown in my face 4 YEARS ago.

From a troll thread that spawned my singular warning i ever recieved by @Houston911 by the BIGGEST troll racists IRON CHIN WILDER and RIDEDOLO is where all this shyt cameFrom A troll thread that keeps getting copy n pasted 3 years later by dummies who dont even know what they talking about. I mean who cares about the other 9 years where nothing was said. Long as ONE troll can point out something its alllll good round heeerrre.

I can literally make a post. DISS WHITE PEOPLE for
Calling kanye a c00n. And ill hav posters quoting it in multiple threads days later telling me im defending trump for my post. We are on a text forum where READING IS NOT FUNDEMENTAL. Why would i wanna post somewhere you gotta talk in smileys or be misunderstood 24/7.

@Houston911 you wanan be fair. Look into zeb waltons reps and see all tye “die you cac fukk” “you smell lik dog”s i got. Im pretty sure ones there recently by the one @Kung Fu Henny... whos prolly IRONCHIN in tge first place. And ban all THOSE people. But i know you wont. Thats not what this is. Funny i actual put this bum kenny on my blocklist cause i was tryna to Minimize being baiter into a back n forth. And yall Come up with this brilliant idea.

OG TRIPPLE BLACK posters fukk with me. From SUGEKNIGHTjr to art barr to WACKY D TO King sun. Mods like Soulcontroller. CAUSE I CONTRIBUTE TO THE DISCUSSION. Even the posters i fight with fukk with me. Cuz i actually bring hip hop discussion to that cess pool known as the booth. Instead im dragged into the ladies room defending my name from KUNGFu Kenny who didnt even hav to post links to make it proof.

The fact that you @Houston911 gave me the singular warning i ever got only to never have to have that discussion again and then be banned for it 5 years later by the same guy.. wowwwwww

Why is the thread in the bushes in the first place. Why wasnt i banned 3 years ago? CUZ IT WASNT TRUE. Literally banned by IRONCHILWILDER deflection. Yall are genius.

I literally just got banned because of a troll thread i got my first warning in.. by the same mod who did both. Because of a troll poster showing pics of butchered white kids with black men standing over them in triumph like a Goof. I tell him hes a hoe. He spends 8 hours diggin thru 5 years of posts and cherry picks the best without links so i can be banned. Well done sir. You are on your e-game.

Sad shyt is people Know that but aint say nothing. I see yall. Musta dissed ya fav rapper or didnt have my top ten in order.

Shout outs to everyone ive had conversation with. If i really cared i wouldnt be making this post and try to hide in the forum. Yall prolly ban this too. Do what you gon do. I aint @ttn bkzson but if you cant put together theres a reason i been here since those quotes BEEN BUSHED idk how to explaon it to ya.

Someone hold down the wu threads for me yall gonna need it. Im returning to my bbq, yall can play on here today n everyday from here on out. Do what yall do best.


@Houston911 this is @zeb waltons alias. I almost stopped reading at 15 years of quality posting :mjlol:. I didn't need links since all mods know you can click a quote to go directly to the quoted thread. I didn't read anymore tho :lolbron:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Wait. Is this how yall do business here?

15 years of quality posting, BANNED, over quotes with NO

Quotes where i told a white guy “u mad nilla”? Pretty sure that was in the VANILLA MIDGETS wrestling thread in TSC. I told a vanilla midget he mad nilla? Oh jeezus christ. Ban.

Or from the thread “EXPLAIN A TIME WHERE YOU shyt ON A WHITE PERSON” so I as a joke named a time i got it in with a black group. I thought considering the thread was FILLED with RACISM someone might find my addition misplaced humorous. Didnt do that again after it was thrown in my face 4 YEARS ago.

From a troll thread that spawned my singular warning i ever recieved by @Houston911 by the BIGGEST troll racists IRON CHIN WILDER and RIDEDOLO is where all this shyt cameFrom A troll thread that keeps getting copy n pasted 3 years later by dummies who dont even know what they talking about. I mean who cares about the other 9 years where nothing was said. Long as ONE troll can point out something its alllll good round heeerrre.

I can literally make a post. DISS WHITE PEOPLE for
Calling kanye a c00n. And ill hav posters quoting it in multiple threads days later telling me im defending trump for my post. We are on a text forum where READING IS NOT FUNDEMENTAL. Why would i wanna post somewhere you gotta talk in smileys or be misunderstood 24/7.

@Houston911 you wanan be fair. Look into zeb waltons reps and see all tye “die you cac fukk” “you smell lik dog”s i got. Im pretty sure ones there recently by the one @Kung Fu Henny... whos prolly IRONCHIN in tge first place. And ban all THOSE people. But i know you wont. Thats not what this is. Funny i actual put this bum kenny on my blocklist cause i was tryna to Minimize being baiter into a back n forth. And yall Come up with this brilliant idea.

OG TRIPPLE BLACK posters fukk with me. From SUGEKNIGHTjr to art barr to WACKY D TO King sun. Mods like Soulcontroller. CAUSE I CONTRIBUTE TO THE DISCUSSION. Even the posters i fight with fukk with me. Cuz i actually bring hip hop discussion to that cess pool known as the booth. Instead im dragged into the ladies room defending my name from KUNGFu Kenny who didnt even hav to post links to make it proof.

The fact that you @Houston911 gave me the singular warning i ever got only to never have to have that discussion again and then be banned for it 5 years later by the same guy.. wowwwwww

Why is the thread in the bushes in the first place. Why wasnt i banned 3 years ago? CUZ IT WASNT TRUE. Literally banned by IRONCHILWILDER deflection. Yall are genius.

I literally just got banned because of a troll thread i got my first warning in.. by the same mod who did both. Because of a troll poster showing pics of butchered white kids with black men standing over them in triumph like a Goof. I tell him hes a hoe. He spends 8 hours diggin thru 5 years of posts and cherry picks the best without links so i can be banned. Well done sir. You are on your e-game.

Sad shyt is people Know that but aint say nothing. I see yall. Musta dissed ya fav rapper or didnt have my top ten in order.

Shout outs to everyone ive had conversation with. If i really cared i wouldnt be making this post and try to hide in the forum. Yall prolly ban this too. Do what you gon do. I aint @ttn bkzson but if you cant put together theres a reason i been here since those quotes BEEN BUSHED idk how to explaon it to ya.

Someone hold down the wu threads for me yall gonna need it. Im returning to my bbq, yall can play on here today n everyday from here on out. Do what yall do best.


3000 words of lies :scust:

Dontay Flaco

fka King Napz
Sep 13, 2014

@MoroccanBoy should be permabanned, he's already bushed.

Yea he def needs to be permabanned. I remember when he posted this shyt. :scust:

his whole karma/reap what you sow shyt. Ive always understood what that meant literally obviously but my actions showed I clearly didn't understand it.

I genuinely believed I could do whatever I want with no consequences to myself. I was fully prepared to deal with the outside consequences of my shytty actions and often embraced them. Consequences regarding other people and police etc. What I didn't realise was the internal consuqemces to my self. how fukked up I was becoming over time by just continuing to live with no morals, no care for my future self.

Ive been living like a true degenerate. I'd finesse anybody out of some money. not to eat just to use that money to spend compulsively on drugs, alcohol, nights out, holidays etc. I would steal from anybody. I even finessed members of this forum out of giving me money that I just wasted on drugs. Finessed good childhood friends out of money. Even family.

Now this wasn't all purely for drugs like I was some crack head and needed a fix. If you looked at me you would of thought I was just a normal person. Dress nice, in shape etc. shyt while I was doing all this I was competing in amateur boxing and winning most of my fights. I'm not a degenerate physically I'm more talking about my actions.

I didn't want to work so I'd get money in the grimiest ways which is typical of my moroccan heritage. Those who been to or know any Moroccans know what I'm talking about.

Ill give you an example of the kind of shyt I was doing. We knew this half retarded kid who was a bit off cus he almost died at birth and lost brain cells. So he wasn't all the way with it. Anyway he was staying in this youth hostel and was telling us about some weird old guy that pays kids from that hostel to suck his dikk and other gay shyt. This was a hostel for vulnerable teens and young adults. So me and another dude literally pimped this retarded kid out to some pervert and then took the money he earned from sucking dikk and split it. We did this a few times because wed get more money than just robbing and beating up that sicko one time.

I'm not lying when I say that I was a real piece of shyt. I'd use anybody to get what I wanted. And what i wanted was usually some short term relief from the pain I was feeling myself.

I was in a deep cycle of this shyt for years. Obviously cus of the shytty way I was living and the things I was doing I was feeling like pure shyt inside. I'm not a sociopath or psychopath. I feel a hell of a lot of guilt and shame. And those two emotions really drag you to hell. So because I was feeling like that again I'd go out and do some grimy shyt so I could self medicate.

Truly lost human being. Didn't see no point in life. Didn't believe in any future. I'd always assumed I'd die from the way I was living anyway. Now how can you make the right decisions in the moment when you have no sense of future?

This is what I learned recently. I have a sense of future now. I know I don't want to be like this forever. So now in the present moment, I make decisions based off what will benefit the future me. Like if the future me was another person that I loved, what would I want for them? Only then did I break my compulsive habitual behaviour. Completely broke the cycle.

Now I was living like this for a looong time and wasted 14-22 living like this. I'm 22 now. I'm sure most people already knew this or learned this on like a couple of acts of grimy shyt. But I persisted in this way for years in a state of pure denial. I really didn't give a fukk and that not a good thing like these weirdo self help people will have you believe. Them people never been in a state of not giving a fukk about anything. Then they gonna go write a book about how you shouldn't give a fukk.
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