For the folks out there who are on the ground working against this shyt constantly,

Because, personally, this shyt seems very demoralizing and feels like a futile uphill battle in this country. Constant at battle with the racist deceitful picks in this country

Edit: Also its interesting the only map that seems to have more wide distribution of events is the late ballot map. Every other map is based on things at the discretion of the people reading the ballot and the small concentration of one or two spots on the other maps points to it being intentional. A late ballot is something that you can't really control on the receiving end without more obvious lying and possibly illegal voting suppression actions, like lying about when a person turned it in or doing something where its not submitted at the time the person voted to make them late. Sure some of that can happen, but its so obvious that in all the other cases it was targetted and intentional, otherwise you would see a wider distribution of events like you see in the late ballot map.
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